Peter Steen Mikkelsen
Peter Steen Mikkelsen
Professor of Urban Water Systems, Technical University of Denmark
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SUDS, LID, BMPs, WSUD and more–The evolution and application of terminology surrounding urban drainage
TD Fletcher, W Shuster, WF Hunt, R Ashley, D Butler, S Arthur, ...
Urban Water Journal 12 (7), 525-542, 2015
Framework for economic pluvial flood risk assessment considering climate change effects and adaptation benefits
Q Zhou, PS Mikkelsen, K Halsnæs, K Arnbjerg-Nielsen
Journal of Hydrology 414, 539-549, 2012
A critical review of integrated urban water modelling–Urban drainage and beyond
PM Bach, W Rauch, PS Mikkelsen, DT McCarthy, A Deletic
Environmental Modelling & Software 54, 88-107, 2014
Selected stormwater priority pollutants—a European perspective
E Eriksson, A Baun, L Scholes, A Ledin, S Ahlman, M Revitt, ...
Science of the total environment 383 (1-3), 41-51, 2007
Simultaneous removal of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn from stormwater: Experimental comparison of 11 different sorbents
H Genç-Fuhrman, PS Mikkelsen, A Ledin
Water Research 41 (3), 591-602, 2007
Update of regional intensity-duration-frequency curves in Denmark: Tendency towards increased storm intensities
H Madsen, K Arnbjerg-Nielsen, PS Mikkelsen
Atmospheric Research 92 (3), 343-349, 2009
Three Points Approach (3PA) for urban flood risk management: A tool to support climate change adaptation through transdisciplinarity and multifunctionality
CF Fratini, GD Geldof, J Kluck, PS Mikkelsen
Urban Water Journal 9 (5), 317-331, 2012
Regional estimation of rainfall intensity‐duration‐frequency curves using generalized least squares regression of partial duration series statistics
H Madsen, PS Mikkelsen, D Rosbjerg, P Harremoës
Water Resources Research 38 (11), 21-1-21-11, 2002
Model predictive control of urban drainage systems: A review and perspective towards smart real-time water management
NSV Lund, AKV Falk, M Borup, H Madsen, P Steen Mikkelsen
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 48 (3), 279-339, 2018
Modelling of green roof hydrological performance for urban drainage applications
L Locatelli, O Mark, PS Mikkelsen, K Arnbjerg-Nielsen, MB Jensen, ...
Journal of Hydrology 519, 3237-3248, 2014
Artificial neural networks for rapid WWTP performance evaluation: Methodology and case study
B Ráduly, KV Gernaey, AG Capodaglio, PS Mikkelsen, M Henze
Environmental modelling & software 22 (8), 1208-1216, 2007
Pollution of soil and groundwater from infiltration of highly contaminated stormwater–a case study
PS Mikkelsen, M Häfliger, M Ochs, P Jacobsen, JC Tjell, M Boller
Water Science and Technology 36 (8-9), 325-330, 1997
Hydrologic impact of urbanization with extensive stormwater infiltration
L Locatelli, O Mark, PS Mikkelsen, K Arnbjerg-Nielsen, A Deletic, ...
Journal of Hydrology 544, 524-537, 2017
Risk assessment of xenobiotics in stormwater discharged to Harrestrup Å, Denmark
E Eriksson, A Baun, PS Mikkelsen, A Ledin
Desalination 215 (1-3), 187-197, 2007
Pollution from urban stormwater infiltration
PS Mikkelsen, G Weyer, C Berry, Y Waldent, V Colandini, S Poulsen, ...
Water Science and Technology 29 (1-2), 293-302, 1994
Potential future increase in extreme one-hour precipitation events over Europe due to climate change
AN Larsen, IB Gregersen, OB Christensen, JJ Linde, PS Mikkelsen
Water science and technology 60 (9), 2205-2216, 2009
Experimental assessment of soil and groundwater contamination from two old infiltration systems for road run-off in Switzerland
PS Mikkelsen, M Häfliger, M Ochs, JC Tjell, P Jacobsen, M Boller
Science of the total environment 189, 341-347, 1996
Modelling and monitoring of integrated urban wastewater systems: review on status and perspectives
L Benedetti, J Langeveld, A Comeau, L Corominas, G Daigger, C Martin, ...
Water Science and Technology 68 (6), 1203-1215, 2013
A Mapping of Tools for Informing Water Sensitive Urban Design Planning Decisions—Questions, Aspects and Context Sensitivity
SM Lerer, K Arnbjerg-Nielsen, PS Mikkelsen
Water 7 (3), 993-1012, 2015
A new settling velocity model to describe secondary sedimentation
E Ramin, DS Wágner, L Yde, PJ Binning, MR Rasmussen, PS Mikkelsen, ...
Water research 66, 447-458, 2014
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Articles 1–20