Luis Quintero
Luis Quintero
Carey Business School, Johns Hopkins University
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Cited by
A new approach to estimating equilibrium models for metropolitan housing markets
D Epple, L Quintero, H Sieg
Journal of Political Economy 128 (3), 948-983, 2020
Cities and productivity: Evidence from 16 Latin American and Caribbean countries
LE Quintero, M Roberts
Journal of Urban Economics 136, 103573, 2023
Cities in Europe and Central Asia: A Shifting Story of Urban Growth and Decline
PR Cadavid, G Cineas, LE Quintero, S Zhukova
World Bank Group, 2017
Fewer players, fewer homes: concentration and the new dynamics of housing supply
L Quintero
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Research Paper, 2021
Direct and Spillover Effects from Staggered Adoption of Health Policies: Evidence from COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders
V Elenev, LE Quintero, A Rebucci, E Simeonova
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
RED 2015. A More Effective State. Capacities for designing, implementing and evaluating public policies
P Brassiolo, P Sanguinetti, F Álvarez, L Quintero, L Berniell, D de la Mata, ...
CAF, 2016
Measuring the value of rent stabilization and understanding its implications for racial inequality: Evidence from New York City
R Chen, H Jiang, LE Quintero
Regional Science and Urban Economics 103, 103948, 2023
Does Rent Regulation Affect Tenant Unemployment? Evidence from New York City
H Jiang, L Quintero, X Yang
Evidence from New York City (March 1, 2022). Johns Hopkins Carey Business …, 2022
Unequal response to mobility restrictions: evidence from COVID-19 lockdown in the city of Bogotá
D Castells-Quintana, P Herrera-Idárraga, LE Quintero, G Sinisterra
Spatial Economic Analysis 19 (2), 206-224, 2024
Pandemic Protocols, Native Nutrition: Grocery Store Access from American Indian Reservations during COVID-19
L Quintero, E Simeonova, R Akee
AEA Papers and Proceedings 111, 602-606, 2021
Trends in Opioid Use Disorder Outpatient Treatment and Telehealth Utilization Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic
KN Tormohlen, MD Eisenberg, MI Fingerhood, J Yu, AD McCourt, ...
Psychiatric Services 75 (1), 72-75, 2024
The politics of market selection
Q Luis Eduardo
Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad, 215-253, 2006
Studying how state health services delivery policies can mitigate the effects of disasters on drug addiction treatment and overdose: Protocol for a mixed-methods study
MD Eisenberg, A McCourt, EA Stuart, L Rutkow, KN Tormohlen, ...
Plos one 16 (12), e0261115, 2021
Market access and the concentration of economic activity in a system of declining cities
LE Quintero, P Restrepo
REGION 5 (3), 97-109, 2018
Ukraine Urbanization Review
Q Luis E, R Paula, S Benjamin, MW Katie, Z Sofia
World Bank Group, 2015
The Financial Fragility of For-profit Hospitals: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic
G Bai, D Jiménez, P Phan, LE Quintero, A Rebucci, X Sun
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
Social Mobility Restrictions on and off American Indian Reservations: Effects on Health Care Access and Utilization During COVID-19
R Akee, E Charette, L Quintero, E Simeonova
Available at SSRN 4505938, 2023
The Long and Winding Roads: Roads, Inequality, and Growth in Colombia
L Quintero, G Sinisterra
CAF, 2022
Staggered Health Policy Adoption: Spillover Effects and Their Implications.
V Elenev, L Quintero, A Rebucci, E Simeonova
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School Research Paper, 2023
Explaining Spatial Variations in Productivity
LE Quintero, M Roberts
World Bank, Washington, DC, 2018
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Articles 1–20