Dr. M. Venkat Ratnam
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Identification of atmospheric boundary layer height over a tropical station using high‐resolution radiosonde refractivity profiles: Comparison with GPS radio occultation …
G Basha, MV Ratnam
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D16), 2009
Nowcasting severe convective activity over southeast India using ground‐based microwave radiometer observations
A Madhulatha, M Rajeevan, M Venkat Ratnam, J Bhate, CV Naidu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (1), 1-13, 2013
Historical and Projected Surface Temperature over India during the 20th and 21st century
G Basha, P Kishore, MV Ratnam, A Jayaraman, A Agha Kouchak, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 2987, 2017
Global and seasonal variations of stratospheric gravity wave activity deduced from the CHAMP/GPS satellite
MV Ratnam, G Tetzlaff, C Jacobi
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 61 (13), 1610-1620, 2004
BATAL: The balloon measurement campaigns of the Asian tropopause aerosol layer
JP Vernier, TD Fairlie, T Deshler, MV Ratnam, H Gadhavi, BS Kumar, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99 (5), 955-973, 2018
Global (50 S–50 N) distribution of water vapor observed by COSMIC GPS RO: Comparison with GPS radiosonde, NCEP, ERA-Interim, and JRA-25 reanalysis data sets
P Kishore, MV Ratnam, SP Namboothiri, I Velicogna, G Basha, JH Jiang, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 73 (13), 1849-1860, 2011
Diurnal variability of stability indices observed using radiosonde observations over a tropical station: Comparison with microwave radiometer measurements
MV Ratnam, YD Santhi, M Rajeevan, SVB Rao
Atmospheric Research 124, 21-33, 2013
Characteristics of gravity waves with short vertical wavelengths observed with radiosonde and GPS occultation during DAWEX (Darwin Area Wave Experiment)
T Tsuda, MV Ratnam, PT May, MJ Alexander, RA Vincent, A MacKinnon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D20), 2004
Diurnal variability of the atmospheric boundary layer height over a tropical station in the Indian monsoon region
SK Mehta, MV Ratnam, SV Sunilkumar, DN Rao, BV Krishna Murthy
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (1), 531-549, 2017
Enhancement of gravity wave activity observed during a major Southern Hemisphere stratospheric warming by CHAMP/GPS measurements
M Venkat Ratnam, T Tsuda, C Jacobi, Y Aoyama
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (16), 2004
A diagnostic study of extreme precipitation over Kerala during August 2018
Y Viswanadhapalli, CV Srinivas, G Basha, HP Dasari, S Langodan, ...
Atmospheric Science Letters 20 (12), e941, 2019
Validation of ICON‐MIGHTI thermospheric wind observations: 2. Green‐line comparisons to specular meteor radars
BJ Harding, JL Chau, M He, CR Englert, JM Harlander, KD Marr, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (3), e2020JA028947, 2021
Lightning occurrences and intensity over the Indian region: long-term trends and future projections
R Chakraborty, A Chakraborty, G Basha, MV Ratnam
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (14), 11161-11177, 2021
Variability of monsoon low‐level jet and associated rainfall over India
Y Viswanadhapalli, HP Dasari, S Dwivedi, VR Madineni, S Langodan, ...
International Journal of Climatology 40 (2), 1067-1089, 2020
A robust method to determine global distribution of atmospheric boundary layer top from COSMIC GPS RO measurements
MV Ratnam, SG Basha
Atmospheric Science Letters 11 (3), 216-222, 2010
Diurnal and seasonal variability of turbulence parameters observed with Indian mesosphere-stratosphere-troposphere radar
PSPBR D. N. Rao, T. N. Rao, M. Venkat Ratnam, S. T. Raman, S. V. B. Rao
Radio Science 36 (6), 1439-1457, 2001
MST radar and radiosonde observations of inertia‐gravity wave climatology over tropical stations: Source mechanisms
M Venkat Ratnam, A Narendra Babu, VVM Jagannadha Rao, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D7), 2008
Characteristics of 10-day Kelvin wave observed with radiosondes and CHAMP/GPS occultation during the CPEA campaign (April-May, 2004)
T Tsuda, M Venkat Ratnam, T Kozu, S Mori
気象集誌. 第 2 輯 84, 277-293, 2006
Characteristics of the Tropical Easterly Jet: Long‐term trends and their features during active and break monsoon phases
M Roja Raman, VVM Jagannadha Rao, M Venkat Ratnam, M Rajeevan, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D19), 2009
Turbulence characteristics over tropical station Gadanki (13.5 N, 79.2 E) estimated using high‐resolution GPS radiosonde data
D Nath, M Venkat Ratnam, AK Patra, BV Krishna Murthy, SV Bhaskar Rao
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D7), 2010
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Articles 1–20