Roberto Giambo'
Roberto Giambo'
Scuola di Scienze e Tecnologie - Università di Camerino (Italia)
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Cited by
Gravitational collapse of homogeneous scalar fields
R Giambó
Classical and Quantum Gravity 22 (11), 2295, 2005
New solutions of Einstein equations in spherical symmetry: the cosmic censor to the court
R Giambo, F Giannoni, G Magli, P Piccione
Communications in mathematical physics 235, 545-563, 2003
An analytical theory for Riemannian cubic polynomials.
R Giambo, F Giannoni, P Piccione
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control & Information 19 (4), 2002
Effective field description of the Anton-Schmidt cosmic fluid
S Capozziello, R D’Agostino, R Giambo, O Luongo
Physical Review D 99 (2), 023532, 2019
Naked singularities formation in the gravitational collapse of barotropic spherical fluids
R Giambo, F Giannoni, G Magli, P Piccione
General Relativity and Gravitation 36, 1279-1298, 2004
Energy exchange for homogeneous and isotropic universes with a scalar field coupled to matter
R Giambo, J Miritzis
Classical and Quantum Gravity 27 (9), 095003, 2010
Computation of the Maslov index and the spectral flow via partial signatures
R Giambò, P Piccione, A Portaluri
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 338 (5), 397-402, 2004
On the adoption of a fractional-order sliding surface for the robust control of integer-order LTI plants
ML Corradini, R Giambò, S Pettinari
Automatica 51, 364-371, 2015
Optimal control on Riemannian manifolds by interpolation
R Giambo, F Giannoni, P Piccione
Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems 16 (4), 278-296, 2004
Accretion disk luminosity for black holes surrounded by dark matter with anisotropic pressure
E Kurmanov, K Boshkayev, R Giambò, T Konysbayev, O Luongo, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 925 (2), 210, 2022
New mathematical framework for spherical gravitational collapse
R Giambo, F Giannoni, G Magli, P Piccione
Classical and Quantum Gravity 20 (6), L75, 2003
Orthogonal geodesic chords, brake orbits and homoclinic orbits in Riemannian manifolds
R Giambo, F Giannoni, P Piccione
Anisotropic generalizations of de Sitter spacetime
R Giambo
Classical and Quantum Gravity 19 (16), 4399, 2002
Alleviating the cosmological constant problem from particle production
A Belfiglio, R Giambo, O Luongo
Classical and Quantum Gravity 40 (10), 105004, 2023
Gravitational collapse of homogeneous perfect fluids in higher order gravity theories
R Giambo
Journal of mathematical physics 50 (1), 2009
Genericity of black hole formation in the gravitational collapse of homogeneous self-interacting scalar fields
R Giambo, F Giannoni, G Magli
Journal of mathematical physics 49 (4), 2008
Naked singularities formation in perfect fluids collapse
R Giambò, F Giannoni, G Magli, P Piccione
Classical and Quantum Gravity 20 (22), 4943, 2003
Curvature-tuned electronic properties of bilayer graphene in an effective four-dimensional spacetime
M Cariglia, R Giambò, A Perali
Physical Review B 95 (24), 245426, 2017
Multiple brake orbits and homoclinics in Riemannian manifolds
R Giambò, F Giannoni, P Piccione
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 200 (2), 691-724, 2011
The dynamical behavior of homogeneous scalar-field spacetimes with general self-interaction potentials
R Giambò, F Giannoni, G Magli
General Relativity and Gravitation 41, 21-30, 2009
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Articles 1–20