Robert Style
Cited by
Cited by
Traction force microscopy in physics and biology
RW Style, R Boltyanskiy, GK German, C Hyland, CW MacMinn, AF Mertz, ...
Soft matter 10 (23), 4047-4055, 2014
Universal Deformation of Soft Substrates Near a Contact Line and the<? format?> Direct Measurement of Solid Surface Stresses
RW Style, R Boltyanskiy, Y Che, JS Wettlaufer, LA Wilen, ER Dufresne
Physical review letters 110 (6), 066103, 2013
Elastocapillarity: surface tension and the mechanics of soft solids
RW Style, A Jagota, CY Hui, ER Dufresne
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 8 (1), 99-118, 2017
Surface tension and contact with soft elastic solids
RW Style, C Hyland, R Boltyanskiy, JS Wettlaufer, ER Dufresne
Nature communications 4 (1), 2728, 2013
Static wetting on deformable substrates, from liquids to soft solids
RW Style, ER Dufresne
Soft Matter 8 (27), 7177-7184, 2012
Stiffening solids with liquid inclusions
RW Style, R Boltyanskiy, B Allen, KE Jensen, HP Foote, JS Wettlaufer, ...
Nature Physics 11, 82-87, 2015
Patterning droplets with durotaxis
RW Style, Y Che, SJ Park, BM Weon, JH Je, C Hyland, GK German, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (31), 12541-12544, 2013
The physics of frost heave and ice‐lens growth
SSL Peppin, RW Style
Vadose Zone Journal 12 (1), 1-12, 2013
Adsorption of soft particles at fluid interfaces
RW Style, L Isa, ER Dufresne
Soft Matter 11 (37), 7412-7419, 2015
Liquid-liquid phase separation in an elastic network
RW Style, T Sai, N Fanelli, M Ijavi, K Smith-Mannschott, Q Xu, LA Wilen, ...
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011028, 2018
It’s harder to splash on soft solids
CJ Howland, A Antkowiak, JR Castrejón-Pita, SD Howison, JM Oliver, ...
Physical review letters 117 (18), 184502, 2016
Elastic ripening and inhibition of liquid–liquid phase separation
KA Rosowski, T Sai, E Vidal-Henriquez, D Zwicker, RW Style, ...
Nature physics 16 (4), 422-425, 2020
Direct measurement of strain-dependent solid surface stress
Q Xu, KE Jensen, R Boltyanskiy, R Sarfati, RW Style, ER Dufresne
Nature communications 8 (1), 555, 2017
Solid capillarity: when and how does surface tension deform soft solids?
B Andreotti, O Bäumchen, F Boulogne, KE Daniels, ER Dufresne, H Perrin, ...
Soft Matter 12 (12), 2993-2996, 2016
Magnetically Addressable Shape‐Memory and Stiffening in a Composite Elastomer
P Testa, RW Style, J Cui, C Donnelly, E Borisova, PM Derlet, ER Dufresne, ...
Advanced materials 31 (29), 1900561, 2019
Surface tension and the mechanics of liquid inclusions in compliant solids
RW Style, JS Wettlaufer, ER Dufresne
Soft matter 11 (4), 672-679, 2015
Solid–liquid composites for soft multifunctional materials
RW Style, R Tutika, JY Kim, MD Bartlett
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (1), 2005804, 2021
Ice-lens formation and geometrical supercooling in soils and other colloidal materials
RW Style, SSL Peppin, ACF Cocks, JS Wettlaufer
Physical Review E 84 (4), 041402, 2011
Wetting and phase separation in soft adhesion
KE Jensen, R Sarfati, RW Style, R Boltyanskiy, A Chakrabarti, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (47), 14490-14494, 2015
Sustained enzymatic activity and flow in crowded protein droplets
A Testa, M Dindo, AA Rebane, B Nasouri, RW Style, R Golestanian, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 6293, 2021
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Articles 1–20