Iván González Díaz
Iván González Díaz
Signal Theory and Communications Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
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Cited by
Cited by
Dermaknet: Incorporating the knowledge of dermatologists to convolutional neural networks for skin lesion diagnosis
I González-Díaz
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (2), 547-559, 2019
Incorporating the Knowledge of Dermatologists to Convolutional Neural Networks for the Diagnosis of Skin Lesions. 2017 International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI …
IG Diaz
Incorporating the knowledge of dermatologists to convolutional neural networks for the diagnosis of skin lesions
IG Díaz
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.01976, 2017
Behavioural immune landscapes of inflammation
G Crainiciuc, M Palomino-Segura, M Molina-Moreno, J Sicilia, ...
Nature 601 (7893), 415-421, 2022
Perceptually-guided deep neural networks for ego-action prediction: Object grasping
I Gonzalez-Diaz, J Benois-Pineau, JP Domenger, D Cattaert, A de Rugy
Pattern Recognition 88, 223-235, 2019
Perceptual modeling in the problem of active object recognition in visual scenes
I González-Díaz, V Buso, J Benois-Pineau
Pattern Recognition 56, 129-141, 2016
Modeling instrumental activities of daily living in egocentric vision as sequences of active objects and context for alzheimer disease research
I González Díaz, V Buso, J Benois-Pineau, G Bourmaud, R Mégret
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Multimedia indexing and …, 2013
Efficient scale-adaptive license plate detection system
M Molina-Moreno, I González-Díaz, F Díaz-de-María
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (6), 2109-2121, 2018
A low-complexity pre-processing system for restoring low-quality QR code images
D Munoz-Mejias, I Gonzalez-Diaz, F Diaz-de-Maria
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 57 (3), 1320-1328, 2011
Neighborhood matching for image retrieval
I Gonzalez-Diaz, M Birinci, F Diaz-de-Maria, EJ Delp
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 19 (3), 544-558, 2016
Epidemiologia descriptiva de hendiduras labiopalatinas en la Clínica de Labio y Paladar Hendidos de Morelia, Michoacán, México (1989-2012) y su comparación con algunas …
J Mena-Olalde, I González-Díaz, T Venegas-Gómez, V González-Díaz, ...
Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana 43 (1), 41-45, 2017
A generative model for concurrent image retrieval and ROI segmentation
I González-Díaz, CE Baz-Hormigos, F Diaz-de-Maria
IEEE transactions on multimedia 16 (1), 169-183, 2013
Goal-oriented top-down probabilistic visual attention model for recognition of manipulated objects in egocentric videos
V Buso, I González-Díaz, J Benois-Pineau
Signal Processing: Image Communication 39, 418-431, 2015
Temporal segmentation and keyframe selection methods for user-generated video search-based annotation
I González-Díaz, T Martínez-Cortés, A Gallardo-Antolín, F Díaz-de-María
Expert systems with applications 42 (1), 488-502, 2015
The homologous recombination deficiency scar in advanced cancer: agnostic targeting of damaged DNA repair
V Pacheco-Barcia, A Muñoz, E Castro, AI Ballesteros, G Marquina, ...
Cancers 14 (12), 2950, 2022
Adaptive multipattern fast block-matching algorithm based on motion classification techniques
I González-Díaz, F Diaz-de-Maria
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 18 (10), 1369 …, 2008
Finding landmarks within settled areas using hierarchical density-based clustering and meta-data from publicly available images
E Pla-Sacristán, I González-Díaz, T Martínez-Cortés, F Diaz-de-Maria
Expert Systems with Applications 123, 315-327, 2019
Mid-level feature set for specific event and anomaly detection in crowded scenes
E de-la-Calle-Silos, I González-Díaz, E Díaz-de-María
2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 4001-4005, 2013
A region-centered topic model for object discovery and category-based image segmentation
I González-Díaz, F Díaz-de-María
Pattern Recognition 46 (9), 2437-2449, 2013
An interpretable CNN-based CAD system for skin lesion diagnosis
J Lopez-Labraca, I Gonzalez-Diaz, F Diaz-de-Maria, A Fueyo-Casado
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 132, 102370, 2022
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Articles 1–20