Ning Jia
Ning Jia
Tianjin University
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A system dynamics approach to scenario analysis for urban passenger transport energy consumption and CO2 emissions: A case study of Beijing
X Liu, S Ma, J Tian, N Jia, G Li
Energy policy 85, 253-270, 2015
Cellular automaton model simulating spatiotemporal patterns, phase transitions and concave growth pattern of oscillations in traffic flow
J Tian, G Li, M Treiber, R Jiang, N Jia, S Ma
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 93, 560-575, 2016
A deep learning based multitask model for network-wide traffic speed prediction
K Zhang, L Zheng, Z Liu, N Jia
Neurocomputing 396, 438-450, 2020
Effects of different factors on drivers’ guidance compliance behaviors under road condition information shown on VMS
S Zhong, L Zhou, S Ma, N Jia
Transportation research part A: Policy and Practice 46 (9), 1490-1505, 2012
A novel generative adversarial network for estimation of trip travel time distribution with trajectory data
K Zhang, N Jia, L Zheng, Z Liu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 108, 223-244, 2019
Influence of attitudinal and low-carbon factors on behavioral intention of commuting mode choice–A cross-city study in China
N Jia, L Li, S Ling, S Ma, W Yao
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 111, 108-118, 2018
Prospect theory based estimation of drivers’ risk attitudes in route choice behaviors
L Zhou, S Zhong, S Ma, N Jia
Accident Analysis & Prevention 73, 1-11, 2014
Commuters’ acceptance of and behavior reactions to license plate restriction policy: A case study of Tianjin, China
N Jia, Y Zhang, Z He, G Li
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 52, 428-440, 2017
Near-optimal online motion planning of connected and automated vehicles at a signal-free and lane-free intersection
B Li, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, N Jia, Y Ge
2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1432-1437, 2018
Simultaneous versus joint computing: A case study of multi-vehicle parking motion planning
B Li, Y Zhang, Z Shao, N Jia
Journal of Computational Science 20, 30-40, 2017
Brake light cellular automaton model with advanced randomization for traffic breakdown
J Tian, N Jia, N Zhu, B Jia, Z Yuan
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 44, 282-298, 2014
Estimating carbon dioxide emissions of freeway traffic: a spatiotemporal cell-based model
Z He, W Zhang, N Jia
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (5), 1976-1986, 2019
Traffic sensor location approach for flow inference
Y Liu, N Zhu, S Ma, N Jia
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 9 (2), 184-192, 2015
A combined framework for modeling the evolution of traveler route choice under risk
G Wang, S Ma, N Jia
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 35, 156-179, 2013
Sustainable urban transportation development in China: A behavioral perspective
S Ling, S Ma, N Jia
Frontiers of Engineering Management 9 (1), 16-30, 2022
A Gaussian mixture model based combined resampling algorithm for classification of imbalanced credit data sets
X Han, R Cui, Y Lan, Y Kang, J Deng, N Jia
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 10, 3687-3699, 2019
Power-law in pedestrian crossing flow under the interference of vehicles at an un-signalized midblock crosswalk
X Xin, N Jia, L Zheng, S Ma
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 406, 287-297, 2014
When are new energy vehicle incentives effective? Empirical evidence from 88 pilot cities in China
X Yao, S Ma, Y Bai, N Jia
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 165, 207-224, 2022
A graph-based semi-supervised reject inference framework considering imbalanced data distribution for consumer credit scoring
Y Kang, N Jia, R Cui, J Deng
Applied Soft Computing 105, 107259, 2021
Day-to-day traffic dynamics considering social interaction: from individual route choice behavior to a network flow model
F Wei, N Jia, S Ma
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 94, 335-354, 2016
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