Rui Xu
Rui Xu
China University of Geosciences
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Cited by
Secure k-NN computation on encrypted cloud data without sharing key with query users
Y Zhu, R Xu, T Takagi
Proceedings of the 2013 international workshop on Security in cloud …, 2013
Quantum group blind signature scheme without entanglement
R Xu, L Huang, W Yang, L He
Optics Communications 284 (14), 3654-3658, 2011
Lighting the way to a smart world: Lattice-based cryptography for Internet of Things
R Xu, C Cheng, Y Qin, T Jiang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.04880, 2018
Cryptanalysis and melioration of secure quantum sealed-bid auction with post-confirmation
LB He, LS Huang, W Yang, R Xu, DQ Han
Quantum Information Processing 11 (6), 1359-1369, 2012
An efficient robust secret sharing scheme with optimal cheater resiliency
PS Roy, A Adhikari, R Xu, K Morozov, K Sakurai
International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography …, 2014
An efficient robust secret sharing scheme with optimal cheater resiliency
PS Roy, A Adhikari, R Xu, K Morozov, K Sakurai
International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Applied Cryptography …, 2014
Efficient threshold secret sharing schemes secure against rushing cheaters
A Adhikari, K Morozov, S Obana, PS Roy, K Sakurai, R Xu
International Conference on Information Theoretic Security, 3-23, 2016
Efficient outsourcing of secure k-nearest neighbour query over encrypted database
R Xu, K Morozov, Y Yang, J Zhou, T Takagi
Computers & Security 69, 65-83, 2017
Cryptanalysis of fair quantum blind signatures
LB He, LS Huang, W Yang, R Xu
Chinese Physics B 21 (3), 030306, 2012
Secure k-NN query on encrypted cloud database without key-sharing
Y Zhu, R Xu, T Takagi
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 5 (3-4 …, 2013
On cheater identifiable secret sharing schemes secure against rushing adversary
R Xu, K Morozov, T Takagi
International Workshop on Security, 258-271, 2013
Cheater Identifiable Secret Sharing Schemes via Multi-Receiver Authentication
R Xu, K Morozov, T Takagi
IWSEC 2014, 72-87, 2014
Fault Injection Attack on Salsa20 and ChaCha and a Lightweight Countermeasure
K Fukushima, R Xu, S Kiyomoto, N Homma
2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS, 1032-1037, 2017
A protocol for the secure two-party quantum scalar product
LB He, LS Huang, W Yang, R Xu
Physics Letters A 376 (16), 1323-1327, 2012
On the security of the Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier signature
K Morozov, PS Roy, R Steinwandt, R Xu
Open Mathematics 16 (1), 161-167, 2018
Group authentication for cloud-to-things computing: Review and improvement
R Xu, X Wang, K Morozov
Computer Networks 198, 108374, 2021
An experimental study of the BDD approach for the search LWE problem
R Xu, SL Yeo, K Fukushima, T Takagi, H Seo, S Kiyomoto, M Henricksen
International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, 253-272, 2017
Privacy-preserving k-nearest neighbour query on outsourced database
R Xu, K Morozov, Y Yang, J Zhou, T Takagi
Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 181-197, 2016
Analysis and Enhancement of a Lattice-Based Data Outsourcing Scheme with Public Integrity Verification
Q Wang, C Cheng, R Xu, J Ding, Z Liu
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2020
RaCoSS: Random code-based signature scheme
K Fukushima, PS Roy, R Xu, S Kiyomoto, K Morozov, T Takagi
Submission to NIST post-quantum standardization process 5, 2017
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Articles 1–20