Ziad A. Al-Sharif
Ziad A. Al-Sharif
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering at JUST, Irbid 22110, Jordan
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Cited by
A new collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques
H Zarzour, Z Al-Sharif, M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh
2018 9th international conference on information and communication systems …, 2018
Live forensics of software attacks on cyber physical systems
ZA Al-Sharif, MI Al-Saleh, LM Alawneh, YI Jararweh, B Gupta
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018
The Use of Machine Learning Techniques to Advance the Detection and Classification of Unknown Malware
I Shhadat, B Bataineh, A Hayajneh, ZA Al-Sharif
Procedia Computer Science 170, 917-922, 2020
ACCRS: autonomic based cloud computing resource scaling
ZA Al-Sharif, Y Jararweh, A Al-Dahoud, LM Alawneh
Cluster Computing 20, 2479-2488, 2017
Integrating collaborative program development and debugging within a virtual environment
H Bani-Salameh, C Jeffery, Z Al-Sharif, I Abu Doush
Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use: 14th International Workshop …, 2008
Virtualization vs. containerization: Towards a multithreaded performance evaluation approach
A Abuabdo, ZA Al-Sharif
2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2019
RecDNNing: a recommender system using deep neural network with user and item embeddings
H Zarzour, ZA Al-Sharif, Y Jararweh
2019 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems …, 2019
Utilizing data lifetime of tcp buffers in digital forensics: Empirical study
MI Al-Saleh, ZA Al-Sharif
Digital Investigation 9 (2), 119-124, 2012
Investigating the Detection Capabilities of Antiviruses under Concurrent Attacks
MI Al-Saleh, FM AbuHjeela, ZA Al-Sharif
International Journal of Information Security 14 (4), 387-396, 2015
Towards the memory forensics of ms word documents
ZA Al-Sharif, H Bagci, TA Zaitoun, A Asad
Information Technology-New Generations: 14th International Conference on …, 2018
A scalable multiple pairwise protein sequence alignment acceleration using hybrid CPU–GPU approach
L Alawneh, MA Shehab, M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh, ZA Al-Sharif
Cluster Computing, 2020
Network Reconnaissance Investigation: A Memory Forensic Approach
MI Al-Saleh, ZA Al-Sharif, L Alawneh
2019 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems …, 2019
Ram forensics against cyber crimes involving files
M Al-Saleh, Z Al-Sharif
The Second International Conference on Cyber Security, Cyber Peacefare and …, 2013
Collaborative education in a virtual learning environment
H Bani-Salameh, J Al-Gharaibeh, C Jeffery, ZA Al-Sharif
International Journal of Business Information Systems 25 (4), 474-489, 2017
Personalized human activity recognition using deep learning and edge-cloud architecture
L Alawneh, M Al-Ayyoub, ZA Al-Sharif, A Shatnawi
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (9), 12021-12033, 2023
Towards Carving PDF Files in the Main Memory
ZA Al-Sharif, DN Odeh, MI Al-Saleh
The International Technology Management Conference (ITMC2015), 24-31, 2015
An effective model-based trust collaborative filtering for explainable recommendations
H Zarzour, Y Jararweh, ZA Al-Sharif
2020 11th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems …, 2020
Towards a generic approach for memory forensics
E Qawasmeh, MI Al-Saleh, ZA Al-Sharif
2019 Sixth HCT Information Technology Trends (ITT), 094-098, 2019
A post-mortem forensic approach for the kik messenger on android
AM Al-Rawashdeh, ZA Al-Sharif, MI Al-Saleh, AS Shatnawi
2020 11th international conference on information and communication systems …, 2020
The Effects of Platforms and Languages on the Memory Footprint of the Executable Program: A Memory Forensic Approach
ZA Al-Sharif, MI Al-Saleh, Y Jararweh, L Alawneh, AS Shatnawi
Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) 25 (9), 1174-1198, 2019
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Articles 1–20