ZHOU ZhiYing, Steven
Cited by
Cited by
Touch-space: Mixed reality game space based on ubiquitous, tangible, and social computing
AD Cheok, X Yang, ZZ Ying, M Billinghurst, H Kato
Personal and ubiquitous computing 6, 430-442, 2002
Simultaneous video defogging and stereo reconstruction
Z Li, P Tan, RT Tan, D Zou, S Zhiying Zhou, LF Cheong
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2015
Image matting with local and nonlocal smooth priors
X Chen, D Zou, S Zhiying Zhou, Q Zhao, P Tan
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2013
Magic Story Cube: an interactive tangible interface for storytelling
Z Zhou, AD Cheok, JH Pan, Y Li
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in …, 2004
A real-time multi-cue hand tracking algorithm based on computer vision
Z Pan, Y Li, M Zhang, C Sun, K Guo, X Tang, SZ Zhou
2010 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR), 219-222, 2010
Perspective motion segmentation via collaborative clustering
Z Li, J Guo, LF Cheong, SZ Zhou
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 1369-1376, 2013
The role of 3-D sound in human reaction and performance in augmented reality environments
ZY Zhou, AD Cheok, Y Qiu, X Yang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2007
Interactive system and method
ZY Zhou, AD Cheok, JH Pan
US Patent 7,474,318, 2009
3D story cube: an interactive tangible user interface for storytelling with 3D graphics and audio
ZY Zhou, AD Cheok, JH Pan
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8, 374-376, 2004
Contrastive attention for video anomaly detection
S Chang, Y Li, S Shen, J Feng, Z Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 24, 4067-4076, 2021
Real-time 3D human capture system for mixed-reality art and entertainment
THD Nguyen, TCT Qui, K Xu, AD Cheok, SL Teo, ZY Zhou, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 11 (6), 706-721, 2005
Video co-segmentation for meaningful action extraction
J Guo, Z Li, LF Cheong, S Zhiying Zhou
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 2232-2239, 2013
Interactive system and method
ZY Zhou, AD Cheok, JH Pan
US Patent 7,295,220, 2007
Vision-based projected tabletop interface for finger interactions
P Song, S Winkler, SO Gilani, ZY Zhou
Human–Computer Interaction: IEEE International Workshop, HCI 2007 Rio de …, 2007
Interactive entertainment systems using tangible cubes
ZY Zhou, AD Cheok, TT Chan, JH Pan, Y Li
IE2004: Proceedings of the First Australian Workshop on Interactive …, 2004
Diminished reality using appearance and 3D geometry of internet photo collections
Z Li, Y Wang, J Guo, LF Cheong, SZY Zhou
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 11-19, 2013
An experimental study on the role of 3D sound in augmented reality environment
Z Zhou, AD Cheok, X Yang, Y Qiu
Interacting with Computers 16 (6), 1043-1068, 2004
wIzQubesTM-a novel tangible interface for interactive storytelling in mixed reality
Z Zhou, AD Cheok, J Tedjokusumo, GS Omer
Int J Virtual Real 7 (4), 9-15, 2008
Positioning, tracking and mapping for outdoor augmentation
J Karlekar, SZY Zhou, W Lu, ZC Loh, Y Nakayama, D Hii
2010 ieee international symposium on mixed and augmented reality, 175-184, 2010
An interactive 3D exploration narrative interface for storytelling
ZY Zhou, AD Cheok, JH Pan, Y Li
Proceedings of the 2004 conference on Interaction design and children …, 2004
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Articles 1–20