Gregory Howard
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Cited by
Improving nutrient management practices in agriculture: The role of risk‐based beliefs in understanding farmers' attitudes toward taking additional action
RS Wilson, G Howard, EA Burnett
Water Resources Research 50 (8), 6735-6746, 2014
Hypothetical bias mitigation techniques in choice experiments: do cheap talk and honesty priming effects fade with repeated choices?
G Howard, BE Roe, EC Nisbet, JF Martin
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4 (2 …, 2017
Discounting for personal and social payments: Patience for others, impatience for ourselves
G Howard
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 66 (3), 583-597, 2013
Nutrient Prices and Concentrations in Midwestern Agricultural Watersheds
B Sohngen, K King, G Howard, J Newton, DL Forster
Ecological Economics 112, 141-149, 2015
Measuring heterogeneous price effects for home acquisition programs in at‐risk regions
E Frimpong, J Kruse, G Howard, R Davidson, J Trainor, L Nozick
Southern Economic Journal 85 (4), 1108-1131, 2019
Farmers, phosphorus and water quality: Part II. A descriptive report of beliefs, attitudes and best management practices in the Maumee watershed of the western Lake Erie basin
EA Burnett, RS Wilson, B Roe, G Howard, E Irwin, W Zhang, J Martin
The Ohio State University, School of Environment & Natural Resources …, 2015
Farmers, phosphorus and water quality: a descriptive report of beliefs, attitudes and practices in the Maumee Watershed of northwest Ohio
R Wilson, L Burnett, T Ritter, B Roe, G Howard
The Ohio State University, School of Environment & Natural Resources, 2013
Evaluating the tradeoff between cost effectiveness and participation in agricultural conservation programs
G Howard, W Zhang, A Valcu‐Lisman, PW Gassman
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 106 (2), 712-738, 2024
Estimating discount rates using referendum-style choice experiments: An analysis of multiple methodologies
G Howard, JC Whitehead, J Hochard
Journal of environmental economics and management 105, 102399, 2021
Stripping because you want to versus stripping because the money is good: a latent class analysis of farmer preferences regarding filter strip programs
G Howard, BE Roe
When energy issues are land use issues: estimating preferences for utility-scale solar energy siting
V Gaur, C Lang, G Howard, R Quainoo
Land Economics 99 (3), 343-363, 2023
Development of a Socio-Hydrological Model for a Coastal Watershed: Using Stakeholders' Perceptions
M Tapas, JR Etheridge, G Howard, VV Lakshmi, TND Tran
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, H22O-0996, 2022
The impact of technical efficiency, innovation, and climate policy on the economic viability of renewable electricity generation
JM Lee, G Howard
Energy Economics 100, 105357, 2021
Addressing attribute value substitution in discrete choice experiments to avoid unintended consequences
G Howard, BE Roe, MG Interis, J Martin
Environmental and Resource Economics 77, 813-838, 2020
Additionality violations in agricultural payment for service programs: Experimental evidence
G Howard
Land Economics 96 (2), 244-264, 2020
Homeowner Preference for Household-level Flood Mitigation in US: Analysis of a Discrete Choice Experiment
E Frimpong, G Howard, J Kruse
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 54 (2), 262-285, 2022
The value and applicability of bargaining in an intergenerational setting
G Howard
Ecological Economics 80, 25-37, 2012
Food choice behavior of adolescents under parent-child interaction in the context of US school lunch programs
T Panchalingam, G Howard, HA Klaiber, BE Roe
Food Policy 115, 102420, 2023
Reducing Lake Erie's Harmful Algal Blooms: Projection and Adoption of Management Plans
J Martin, N Aloysius, G Howard, MM Kalcic, RS Wilson, D Scavia, B Roe
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, H11F-02, 2016
On linking risk preferences and time preferences when estimating incentive effects
G Howard
Economics Letters 143, 87-89, 2016
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Articles 1–20