Federico Gobbo
Cited by
Cited by
Rethinking third places: Contemporary design with technology
N Memarovic, S Fels, J Anacleto, R Calderon, F Gobbo, JM Carroll
The Journal of Community Informatics 10 (3), 2014
The Dawn of the Human-Machine Era: A forecast of new and emerging language technologies.
D Sayers, R Sousa-Silva, S Höhn, L Ahmedi, K Allkivi-Metsoja, ...
Epistemic diversity and the question of Lingua Franca in science and philosophy
F Gobbo, F Russo
Foundations of Science 25 (1), 185-207, 2020
Are planned languages less complex than natural languages?
F Gobbo
Language Sciences 60, 36-52, 2017
Fondamenti di interlinguistica ed esperantologia
F Gobbo
Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2009
The pomodoro technique for sustainable pace in extreme programming teams
F Gobbo, M Vaccari
International conference on agile processes and extreme programming in …, 2008
Beyond the nation-state?: the ideology of the Esperanto movement between neutralism and multilingualism
F Gobbo
Social inclusion 5 (4), 38-47, 2017
Turning time from enemy into an ally using the pomodoro technique
X Wang, F Gobbo, M Lane
Agility Across Time and Space: Implementing Agile Methods in Global Software …, 2010
The European Union's need for an international auxiliary language
F Gobbo
Journal of Universal Language 6, 1-28, 2005
Constructive adpositional grammars: foundations of constructive linguistics
M Benini, F Gobbo
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011
The assessment of sociolinguistic justice: parameters and models of analysis
G Iannàccaro, F Gobbo, V Dell’Aquila
Language policy and linguistic justice: economic, philosophical and …, 2018
Learning Linguistics by Doing: The Secret Virtues of a Language Constructed in the Classroom.
F Gobbo
Journal of Universal Language 14 (2), 2013
The minimal levels of abstraction in the history of modern computing
F Gobbo, M Benini
Philosophy & Technology 27, 327-343, 2014
An investigation of the impact of a social constructivist teaching approach, based on trigger questions, through measures of mental workload and efficiency
F Gobbo, L Longo, D O'Sullivan, G Orru
Technological University Dublin, 2018
Planning languages and language planning: The contribution of interlinguistics to cross-cultural communication
F Gobbo
MACL 2, 24-60, 2008
The digital way to spread conlangs
F Gobbo
Language at Work: Language Learning, Discourse, and Translation Studies in …, 2005
Epistemological and theoretical foundations in language policy and planning
M Gazzola, F Gobbo, DC Johnson, JAL de León
Springer Nature, 2023
A Method for Reconstructing First-order Arguments in Natural Language.
F Gobbo, JHM Wagemans
AI³@ AI* IA, 27-41, 2018
Annotation with adpositional argumentation: Guidelines for building a Gold Standard Corpus of argumentative discourse
F Gobbo, M Benini, JHM Wagemans
Intelligenza Artificiale 13 (2), 155-172, 2020
Application of hybrid agents to smart energy management of a prosumer node
P Caianiello, S Costantini, G De Gasperis, N Florio, F Gobbo
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence: 10th International …, 2013
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Articles 1–20