Jae-Suk Yang
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Cited by
Quantitative and empirical demonstration of the Matthew effect in a study of career longevity
AM Petersen, WS Jung, JS Yang, HE Stanley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (1), 18-23, 2011
Information flow between stock indices
O Kwon, JS Yang
Europhysics letters 82 (6), 68003, 2008
Characteristics of the Korean stock market correlations
WS Jung, S Chae, JS Yang, HT Moon
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 361 (1), 263-271, 2006
Impact of the topology of global macroeconomic network on the spreading of economic crises
KM Lee, JS Yang, G Kim, J Lee, KI Goh, I Kim
PloS one 6 (3), e18443, 2011
Information flow between composite stock index and individual stocks
O Kwon, JS Yang
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (12), 2851-2856, 2008
Executive compensation, fat cats, and best athletes
JW Kim, B Kogut, JS Yang
American Sociological Review 80 (2), 299-328, 2015
Global Diversification Discount and Its Discontents: Self-selection Makes a World of Difference
S Chang, B Kogut, JS Yang
Strategic Management Journal 37 (11), 2254-2274, 2016
Global energy transitions and political systems
J Lee, JS Yang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 115, 109370, 2019
Interpretable deep learning LSTM model for intelligent economic decision-making
S Park, JS Yang
Knowledge-Based Systems 248 (19), 108907, 2022
Increasing market efficiency in the stock markets
JS Yang, W Kwak, T Kaizoji, I Kim
The European Physical Journal B 61 (2), 241-246, 2008
Network Structure Effects on Incumbency Advantage
J Lee, J Song, JS Yang
Strategic Management Journal 37 (8), 1632-1648, 2016
Complexity analysis of the stock market
JB Park, JW Lee, JS Yang, HH Jo, HT Moon
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 379 (1), 179-187, 2007
Existence of an upper critical dimension in the majority voter model
JS Yang, I Kim, W Kwak
Physical Review E 77 (5), 051122, 2008
Stakeholders' resistance to telemedicine with focus on physicians: utilizing the Delphi technique
WS Choi, J Park, JYB Choi, JS Yang
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 25 (6), 378-385, 2019
Government R&D investment decision-making in the energy sector: LCOE foresight model reveals what regression analysis cannot
J Lee, JS Yang
Energy Strategy Reviews 21, 1-15, 2018
Critical behavior of the majority voter model is independent of transition rates
W Kwak, JS Yang, J Sohn, I Kim
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (6 …, 2007
Microscopic spin model for the dynamics of the return distribution of the Korean stock market index
JS Yang, S Chae, WS Jung, HT Moon
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 363 (2), 377-382, 2006
Effects of Remote Monitoring of Blood Pressure in Management of Urban Hypertensive Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
WS Choi, JH Choi, J Oh, IS Shin, JS Yang
Telemedicine and e-Health 26 (6), 744-759, 2020
Information flow between bitcoin and other financial assets
S Park, K Jang, JS Yang
Physica A 566, 125604, 2021
Do older workers really reduce firm productivity?
B Lee, J Park, JS Yang
The Economic and Labour Relations Review 29 (4), 521-542, 2018
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Articles 1–20