Hoang Ngoc Ha
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Cited by
Review and classification of recent observers applied in chemical process systems
JM Ali, NH Hoang, MA Hussain, D Dochain
Computers & Chemical Engineering 76, 27-41, 2015
The port Hamiltonian approach to modeling and control of continuous stirred tank reactors
H Hoang, F Couenne, C Jallut, Y Le Gorrec
Journal of Process Control 21 (10), 1449-1458, 2011
Lyapunov-based control of non isothermal continuous stirred tank reactors using irreversible thermodynamics
H Hoang, F Couenne, C Jallut, Y Le Gorrec
Journal of Process Control 22 (2), 412-422, 2012
On an evolution criterion of homogeneous multi-component mixtures with chemical transformation
NH Hoang, D Dochain
Systems & Control Letters 62 (2), 170-177, 2013
Thermodynamics based stability analysis and its use for nonlinear stabilization of the CSTR
NH Hoang, F Couenne, C Jallut, Y Le Gorrec
Computers & Chemical Engineering 58, 156-177, 2013
Passivity-based nonlinear control of CSTR via asymptotic observers
NH Hoang, F Couenne, Y Le Gorrec, CL Chen, BE Ydstie
Annual Reviews in Control 37 (2), 278-288, 2013
From Brayton-Moser formulation to Port Hamiltonian representation: the CSTR case study
H Hoang, F Couenne, D Dochain, Y Le Gorrec
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 1628-1633, 2011
Feedback passivation plus tracking-error-based multivariable control for a class of free-radical polymerisation reactors
TS Nguyen, NH Hoang, M Azlan Hussain
International Journal of Control 92 (9), 1970-1984, 2019
Lyapunov based control for non isothermal continuous stirred tank reactor
H Hoang, F Couenne, C Jallut, Y Le Gorrec
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 3854-3858, 2008
Dissipative pseudo-Hamiltonian realization of chemical systems using irreversible thermodynamics
NH Hoang, D Dochain, F Couenne, Y Le Gorrec
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 23 (2), 135-155, 2017
Revisiting the concept of extents for chemical reaction systems using an enthalpy balance
NH Hoang, D Rodrigues, D Bonvin
Computers & Chemical Engineering 136, 106652, 2020
Tracking-error control via the relaxing port-Hamiltonian formulation: Application to level control and batch polymerization reactor
TS Nguyen, NH Hoang, MA Hussain, CK Tan
Journal of Process Control 80, 152-166, 2019
A thermodynamic approach towards Lyapunov based control of reaction rate
NH Hoang, D Dochain, N Hudon
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 9117-9122, 2014
Passivity based controller and observer of exothermic chemical reactors
H Hoang, F Couenne, Y Le Gorrec, CL Chen, BE Ydstie
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (15), 377-384, 2012
A thermodynamic approach to the passive boundary control of tubular reactors
NH Hoang, D Dochain
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (23), 383-388, 2013
Thermodynamic approach for Lyapunov based control
H Hoang, F Couenne, C Jallut, Y Le Gorrec
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (11), 357-362, 2009
Thermodynamics based stabilitization of CSTR networks
H Hoang, F Couenne, Y Le Gorrec, D Dochain
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6352-6357, 2012
Partial inventory control of the CSTR via reaction-dependent generalized inventories
NH Hoang, D Dochain, BE Ydstie
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 9123-9128, 2014
Hybrid observer for parameters estimation in ethylene polymerization reactor: A simulation study
JM Ali, NH Hoang, MA Hussain, D Dochain
Applied Soft Computing 49, 687-698, 2016
Tracking error plus damping injection control of non-minimum phase processes
TS Nguyen, NH Hoang, MA Hussain
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (18), 643-648, 2018
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Articles 1–20