Jaume Masip
Jaume Masip
Associate Professor of Psychology (Profesor Titular de Universidad), Universidad de Salamanca
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Cited by
A world of lies
Global Deception Research Team
Journal of cross-cultural psychology 37 (1), 60-74, 2006
The detection of deception with the reality monitoring approach: A review of the empirical evidence
J Masip, SL Sporer, E Garrido, C Herrero
Psychology, Crime & Law 11 (1), 99-122, 2005
Are computers effective lie detectors? A meta-analysis of linguistic cues to deception
V Hauch, I Blandón-Gitlin, J Masip, SL Sporer
Personality and social psychology Review 19 (4), 307-342, 2015
DEFINING DECEPTION Anales de Psicología, junio, año/vol. 20, número 001 Universidad de Murcia
J Masip, E Garrido, C Herrero
anales de psicología 20 (1), 147-171, 2004
Police officers’ credibility judgments: Accuracy and estimated ability
E Garrido, J Masip, C Herrero
International Journal of Psychology 39 (4), 254-275, 2004
‘What would you say if you were guilty?’Suspects' strategies during a hypothetical behavior analysis interview concerning a serious crime
J Masip, C Herrero
Applied Cognitive Psychology 27 (1), 60-70, 2013
Cognitive-load approaches to detect deception: Searching for cognitive mechanisms
I Blandón-Gitlin, E Fenn, J Masip, AH Yoo
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (9), 441-444, 2014
Facial appearance and impressions of ‘credibility’: The effects of facial babyishness and age on person perception
J Masip, E Garrido, C Herrero
International journal of psychology 39 (4), 276-289, 2004
Psicología jurídica
E Garrido, J Masip, MC Herrero
Madrid: Editorial Peason, 2006
‘Language of lies’: Urgent issues and prospects in verbal lie detection research
G Nahari, T Ashkenazi, RP Fisher, PA Granhag, I Hershkowitz, J Masip, ...
Legal and Criminological Psychology 24 (1), 1-23, 2019
Can credibility criteria be assessed reliably? A meta-analysis of criteria-based content analysis.
V Hauch, SL Sporer, J Masip, I Blandon-Gitlin
Psychological Assessment 29 (6), 819, 2017
The analysis of nonverbal communication: The dangers of pseudoscience in security and justice contexts
V Denault, P Plusquellec, LM Jupe, M St-Yves, NE Dunbar, M Hartwig, ...
Anuario de Psicología Jurídica 30 (1), 1-12, 2020
Overlooking the obvious: Incentives to lie
CF Bond Jr, AR Howard, JL Hutchison, J Masip
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 35 (2), 212-221, 2013
Deception detection: State of the art and future prospects
J Masip Pallejá
Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias (Oviedo, España), 2017
Police detection of deception: Beliefs about behavioral cues to deception are strong even though contextual evidence is more useful
J Masip, C Herrero
Journal of Communication 65 (1), 125-145, 2015
Autoeficacia y delincuencia
EG Martín, CH Alonso, JM Pallejá
Psicothema, 63-71, 2002
Generalized Communicative Suspicion (GCS) Among Police Officers: Accounting for the Investigator Bias Effect1
J Masip, H Alonso, E Garrido, C Antón
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 35 (5), 1046-1066, 2005
Is the behaviour analysis interview just common sense?
J Masip, C Herrero, E Garrido, A Barba
Applied Cognitive Psychology 25 (4), 593-604, 2011
Deception detection from written accounts
J Masip, M Bethencourt, G Lucas, MSSAN SEGUNDO, C Herrero
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 53 (2), 103-111, 2012
¿ Se pilla antes a un mentiroso que a un cojo? Sabiduría popular frente a conocimiento científico sobre la detección no-verbal del engaño
J Masip
Papeles del Psicólogo, 78-91, 2005
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Articles 1–20