Luciano Mendes
Luciano Mendes
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Cited by
5GNOW: non-orthogonal, asynchronous waveforms for future mobile applications
G Wunder, P Jung, M Kasparick, T Wild, F Schaich, Y Chen, S Ten Brink, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (2), 97-105, 2014
Generalized frequency division multiplexing for 5th generation cellular networks
N Michailow, M Matthé, IS Gaspar, AN Caldevilla, LL Mendes, A Festag, ...
IEEE Transactions on Communications 62 (9), 3045-3061, 2014
5G waveforms for IoT applications
IBF De Almeida, LL Mendes, JJPC Rodrigues, MAA Da Cruz
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (3), 2554-2567, 2019
Generalized frequency division multiplexing in a Gabor transform setting
M Matthé, LL Mendes, G Fettweis
IEEE Communications Letters 18 (8), 1379-1382, 2014
6G for bridging the digital divide: Wireless connectivity to remote areas
A Chaoub, M Giordani, B Lall, V Bhatia, A Kliks, L Mendes, K Rabie, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 29 (1), 160-168, 2021
A synchronization technique for generalized frequency division multiplexing
IS Gaspar, LL Mendes, N Michailow, G Fettweis
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2014, 1-10, 2014
A 6G white paper on connectivity for remote areas
H Saarnisaari, S Dixit, MS Alouini, A Chaoub, M Giordani, A Kliks, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.14699, 2020
A study on the link level performance of advanced multicarrier waveforms under MIMO wireless communication channels
D Zhang, M Matthé, LL Mendes, G Fettweis
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (4), 2350-2365, 2017
Expectation propagation for near-optimum detection of MIMO-GFDM signals
D Zhang, LL Mendes, M Matthé, IS Gaspar, N Michailow, GP Fettweis
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (2), 1045-1062, 2015
Integration of a GFDM-based 5G transceiver in a GPON using radio over fiber technology
RM Borges, TRR Marins, MSB Cunha, HRD Filgueiras, IF da Costa, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 36 (19), 4468-4477, 2018
Widely linear estimation for space-time-coded GFDM in low-latency applications
M Matthe, LL Mendes, N Michailow, D Zhang, G Fettweis
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (11), 4501-4509, 2015
Frequency-shift Offset-QAM for GFDM
I Gaspar, M Matthé, N Michailow, LL Mendes, D Zhang, G Fettweis
IEEE Communications letters 19 (8), 1454-1457, 2015
Robust WHT-GFDM for the next generation of wireless networks
N Michailow, L Mendes, M Matthé, I Gaspar, A Festag, G Fettweis
IEEE Communications Letters 19 (1), 106-109, 2014
Precoded GFDM transceiver with low complexity time domain processing
M Matthé, L Mendes, I Gaspar, N Michailow, D Zhang, G Fettweis
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2016, 1-9, 2016
Non-standalone 5G NR fiber-wireless system using FSO and fiber-optics fronthauls
CHS Lopes, ES Lima, LAM Pereira, RM Borges, AC Ferreira, M Abreu, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 39 (2), 406-417, 2020
Performance of GFDM over frequency-selective channels
BM Alves, LL Mendes, DA Guimaraes, IS Gaspar
Proc. Int. Workshop Telecommun, 1-7, 2013
LTE-compatible 5G PHY based on generalized frequency division multiplexing
I Gaspar, L Mendes, M Matthé, N Michailow, A Festag, G Fettweis
2014 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS …, 2014
Wireless and optical convergent access technologies toward 6G
HRD Filgueiras, ES Lima, MSB Cunha, CHDS Lopes, LC De Souza, ...
IEEE Access 11, 9232-9259, 2023
GFDM frame design for 5G application scenarios
JS Ferreira, HD Rodrigues, AA Gonzalez, A Nimr, M Matthe, D Zhang, ...
Journal of Communication and Information Systems 32 (1), 2017
DSP-based flexible-waveform and multi-application 5G fiber-wireless system
RM Borges, LAM Pereira, HRD Filgueiras, AC Ferreira, MSB Cunha, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (3), 642-653, 2019
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Articles 1–20