Lada Biedermannová
Lada Biedermannová
Research Associate, Institute of Biotechnology, Czech Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
CAVER 3.0: a tool for the analysis of transport pathways in dynamic protein structures
E Chovancova, A Pavelka, P Benes, O Strnad, J Brezovsky, B Kozlikova, ...
Public Library of Science 8 (10), e1002708, 2012
MedusaScore: an accurate force field-based scoring function for virtual drug screening
S Yin, L Biedermannova, J Vondrasek, NV Dokholyan
Journal of chemical information and modeling 48 (8), 1656-1662, 2008
Unexpectedly strong energy stabilization inside the hydrophobic core of small protein rubredoxin mediated by aromatic residues: correlated ab initio quantum chemical calculations
Vondrášek, Bendova, Klusák, Hobza
Journal of the americhan chemical society 126, 10142, 2005
Remote chiral induction in the organocatalytic hydrosilylation of aromatic ketones and ketimines
AV Malkov, A Liddon, P Ramirez-Lopez, L Bendova, D Haigh, P Kocovsky
On the Mechanism of Asymmetric Allylation of Aldehydes with Allyltrichlorosilanes Catalyzed by QUINOX, a Chiral Isoquinoline N-Oxide
AV Malkov, P Ramírez-López, L Biedermannová, L Rulíšek, L Dufkova, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (15), 5341-5348, 2008
Software tools for identification, visualization and analysis of protein tunnels and channels
J Brezovsky, E Chovancova, A Gora, A Pavelka, L Biedermannova, ...
Biotechnology advances 31 (1), 38-49, 2013
Another role of proline: stabilization interactions in proteins and protein complexes concerning proline and tryptophane
L Biedermannova, KE Riley, K Berka, P Hobza, J Vondrasek
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (42), 6350-6359, 2008
A single mutation in a tunnel to the active site changes the mechanism and kinetics of product release in haloalkane dehalogenase LinB
L Biedermannová, Z Prokop, A Gora, E Chovancová, M Kovács, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 287 (34), 29062-29074, 2012
Hydration of proteins and nucleic acids: advances in experiment and theory. A review
L Biedermannová, B Schneider
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1860 (9), 1821-1835, 2016
Identifying key residues in proteins using inter-residue interaction energy matrix.
L Bendova-Biedermannova, P Hobza, J Vondrasek
Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 72, 402, 2008
Novel high‐affinity binders of human interferon gamma derived from albumin‐binding domain of protein G
JN Ahmad, J Li, L Biedermannová, M Kuchař, H Šípová, A Semerádtová, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 80 (3), 774-789, 2012
Mechanistic Dichotomy in the Asymmetric Allylation of Aldehydes with Allyltrichlorosilanes Catalyzed by Chiral Pyridine N‐Oxides
AV Malkov, S Stončius, M Bell, F Castelluzzo, P Ramírez‐López, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 19 (28), 9167-9185, 2013
Model of Peptide Bond-Aromatic Ring Interaction: Correlated Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Study
L Bendova, P Jurecka, P Hobza, J Vondrasek
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111, 9975, 2007
Structure of the ordered hydration of amino acids in proteins: analysis of crystal structures
L Biedermannová, B Schneider
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography 71 (11), 2192-2202, 2015
Structural alphabets for conformational analysis of nucleic acids available at dnatco. datmos. org
J Černý, P Božíková, M Malý, M Tykač, L Biedermannová, B Schneider
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 76 (9), 805-813, 2020
Rutinosidase from Aspergillus niger: crystal structure and insight into the enzymatic activity
P Pachl, J Kapešová, J Brynda, L Biedermannová, H Pelantová, ...
The FEBS Journal 287 (15), 3315-3327, 2020
WatAA: Atlas of Protein Hydration. Exploring synergies between data mining and ab initio calculations
J Černý, B Schneider, L Biedermannová
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (26), 17094-17102, 2017
Increasing Affinity of Interferon‐γ Receptor 1 to Interferon‐γ by Computer‐Aided Design
P Mikulecký, J Černý, L Biedermannová, H Petroková, M Kuchař, ...
BioMed research international 2013 (1), 752514, 2013
Protein binder (ProBi) as a new class of structurally robust non-antibody protein scaffold for directed evolution
PN Pham, M Huličiak, L Biedermannová, J Černý, T Charnavets, ...
Viruses 13 (2), 190, 2021
Knowledge-based prediction of DNA hydration using hydrated dinucleotides as building blocks
L Biedermannová, J Černý, M Malý, M Nekardová, B Schneider
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 78 (8), 1032-1045, 2022
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Articles 1–20