Petri Myllymaki
Petri Myllymaki
Professor of Computer Science, University of Helsinki
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Cited by
A probabilistic approach to WLAN user location estimation
T Roos, P Myllymäki, H Tirri, P Misikangas, J Sievänen
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 9, 155-164, 2002
A simple approach for finding the globally optimal Bayesian network structure
T Silander, P Myllymaki
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.6875, 2012
A statistical modeling approach to location estimation
T Roos, P Myllymaki, H Tirri
IEEE Transactions on Mobile computing 1 (1), 59-69, 2002
Location estimation in wireless telecommunication networks
P Myllymäki, H Tirri, P Kontkanen, J Lahtinen, T Silander, T Roos, ...
US Patent 7,228,136, 2007
B-course: A web-based tool for Bayesian and causal data analysis
P Myllymäki, T Silander, H Tirri, P Uronen
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 11 (03), 369-387, 2002
On discriminative Bayesian network classifiers and logistic regression
T Roos, H Wettig, P Grünwald, P Myllymäki, H Tirri
Machine Learning 59, 267-296, 2005
Long-term effects of ubiquitous surveillance in the home
A Oulasvirta, A Pihlajamaa, J Perkiö, D Ray, T Vähäkangas, T Hasu, ...
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 41-50, 2012
Interactive intent modeling: Information discovery beyond search
T Ruotsalo, G Jacucci, P Myllymäki, S Kaski
Communications of the ACM 58 (1), 86-92, 2014
On sensitivity of the MAP Bayesian network structure to the equivalent sample size parameter
T Silander, P Kontkanen, P Myllymaki
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.5293, 2012
A linear-time algorithm for computing the multinomial stochastic complexity
P Kontkanen, P Myllymäki
Information Processing Letters 103 (6), 227-233, 2007
Topics in probabilistic location estimation in wireless networks
P Kontkanen, P Myllymaki, T Roos, H Tirri, K Valtonen, H Wettig
2004 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2004
MDL histogram density estimation
P Kontkanen, P Myllymäki
Artificial intelligence and statistics, 219-226, 2007
Error estimate concerning a target device's location operable to move in a wireless environment
P Myllymäki, P Kontkanen, T Roos, K Valtonen, J Lahtinen, H Wettig, ...
US Patent 7,209,752, 2007
Sequence-based positioning technique
P Misikangas, P Myllymäki
US Patent 7,349,683, 2008
Directing exploratory search with interactive intent modeling
T Ruotsalo, J Peltonen, M Eugster, D Głowacka, K Konyushkova, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on information …, 2013
Semi-supervised learning for wlan positioning
T Pulkkinen, T Roos, P Myllymäki
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2011: 21st …, 2011
Probabilistic model for a positioning technique
P Misikangas, P Myllymäki
US Patent 7,196,662, 2007
An MDL framework for data clustering
P Kontkanen, P Myllymäki, W Buntine, J Rissanen, H Tirri
Comparing predictive inference methods for discrete domains
P Kontkanen, P Myllymäki, T Silander, H Tirri, P Grünwald
Sixth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 311-318, 1997
Interactive intent modeling for exploratory search
T Ruotsalo, J Peltonen, MJA Eugster, D Głowacka, P Floréen, P Myllymäki, ...
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 36 (4), 1-46, 2018
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Articles 1–20