Beatriz Gallo Cordoba
Cited by
Cited by
Australian public understandings of artificial intelligence
N Selwyn, B Gallo Cordoba
AI & SOCIETY 37 (4), 1645-1662, 2022
Australian Teachers’ Perceptions of their Work in 2022
F Longmuir, B Gallo Cordoba, M Phillips, KA Allen, M Moharami
Monash University, 2022
Footprints at School: Modelling In-class Social Dynamics from Students’ Physical Positioning Traces
L Yan, R Martinez-Maldonado, B Gallo Cordoba, J Deppeler, D Corrigan, ...
LAK21: 11th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 43-54, 2021
Examining predictors of school belonging using a socio-ecological perspective
KA Allen, B Gallo Cordoba, T Ryan, G Arslan, CD Slaten, JK Ferguson, ...
Journal of Child and Family Studies 32 (9), 2804-2819, 2023
Evidence for a design of a bilingual education policy in Valle del Cauca: analysis of the bilingual population using the 2005 census
JC Alonso, BE Gallo, G Torres
Estudios Gerenciales 28 (125), 59-67, 2012
AI for social good: Australian public attitudes toward AI and society
N Selwyn, B Gallo Cordoba, M Andrejevic, L Campbell
Monash Data Futures Institute, 2020
El nivel de inglés después de cursar educación superior en Colombia: una comparación de distribuciones
JC Alonso, JD Martin, B Gallo
Revista de Economía Institucional 17 (33), 2015
Does Socioeconomic Status Moderate the Relationship Between School Belonging and School-Related factors in Australia?
KA Allen, B Gallo Cordoba, A Parks, G Arslan
Child Indicators Research, 1-19, 2022
Bilingüismo en Santiago de Cali: Análisis de los resultados de las Pruebas SABER 11 y SABER PRO
JC Alonso Cifuentes, P Casasbuenas, B Gallo, G Torres
Universidad Icesi, 2012
The 2022 Australian Youth Barometer: Understanding Young People in Australia Today
L Walsh, B Gallo Cordoba, C Waite, B Cutler
Monash University, Melbourne: Centre for Youth Policy and Education Practice …, 2022
Life, Disrupted: Young people, education and employment before and after COVID-19
L Walsh, J Gleeson, B Magyar, B Gallo Cordoba, 2021
Mapping from proximity traces to socio‐spatial behaviours and student progression at the school
L Yan, R Martinez‐Maldonado, B Gallo Cordoba, J Deppeler, D Corrigan, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 53 (6), 1645-1664, 2022
The Day-of-the-Week Effect: The CIVETS Stock Markets Case
JC Alonso Cifuentes, BE Gallo Córdoba
Journal of Applied Business and Economics 15 (3), 102-116, 2013
Examining the Relationship Between Student Attributional Style, Perceived Teacher Fairness, and Sense of School Belonging
D Wong, KA Allen, B Gallo Cordoba
Contemporary Educational Psychology, 102113, 2022
Proyección de demanda:¡ este problema no es normal!
JC Alonso Cifuentes, BE Gallo Córdoba
Estudios Gerenciales 31 (135), 237-239, 2015
Young women choosing careers: Who decides?
J Gleeson, L Walsh, BG Cordoba, M Mikola, C Waite, B Cutler
Monash University, 2022
Queer Young People in Australia: Insights from the 2021 Australian Youth Barometer
B Cutler, B Gallo Cordoba, L Walsh, M Mikola, C Waite
Monash University, Melbourne: Centre for Youth Policy and Education Practice, 2022
AI for Social Good-Australian Attitudes Toward AI and Society Report
N Selwyn, B Gallo Cordoba, M Andrejevic, L Campbell
Monash University, 2020
Young people's financial strategies: Insights from the Australian Youth Barometer
B Gallo Cordoba, L Walsh, C Waite, B Cutler
Monash University, 2022
Where does culture belong at school? Exploring the role of individualism and power distance in school belonging across cultures
R G Johnson, KA Allen, B Gallo Cordoba
Current Psychology 43 (15), 13492-13527, 2024
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Articles 1–20