Marie-Claire Shanahan
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Cited by
Connecting high school physics experiences, outcome expectations, physics identity, and physics career choice: A gender study
Z Hazari, G Sonnert, PM Sadler, MC Shanahan
Journal of research in science teaching 47 (8), 978-1003, 2010
Transdisciplinarity in STEM education: A critical review
MA Takeuchi, P Sengupta, MC Shanahan, JD Adams, M Hachem
Studies in Science Education 56 (2), 213-253, 2020
Identity in science learning: Exploring the attention given to agency and structure in studies of identity
MC Shanahan
Studies in Science Education 45 (1), 43-64, 2009
Science student role: Evidence of social structural norms specific to school science
MC Shanahan, M Nieswandt
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 48 (4), 367-395, 2011
Science blogs as boundary layers: Creating and understanding new writer and reader interactions through science blogging
MC Shanahan
Journalism 12 (7), 903-919, 2011
Creative activities and their influence on identification in science: Three case studies
MC Shanahan, M Nieswandt
Journal of Elementary Science Education 21 (3), 63-79, 2009
Using a boundary object perspective to reconsider the meaning of STEM in a Canadian context
MC Shanahan, LE Carol-Ann Burke, K Francis
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 16, 129-139, 2016
Changing the meaning of peer-to-peer? Exploring online comment spaces as sites of negotiated expertise
MC Shanahan
Journal of science communication 9 (1), A01, 2010
“I Just Want The Credit!”–Perceived Instrumentality as the Main Characteristic of Boys’ Motivation in a Grade 11 Science Course
M Nieswandt, MC Shanahan
Research in Science Education 38, 3-29, 2008
Exploring the responses of underrepresented students in science to an elementary classroom outreach program
MC Shanahan, E Pedretti, I DeCoito, L Baker
School Science and Mathematics 111 (4), 131-142, 2011
Boundary play and pivots in public computation: New directions in STEM education
P Sengupta, MC Shanahan
International Journal of Engineering Education 33 (3), 1124-1134, 2017
Critical, transdisciplinary and embodied approaches in STEM education
P Sengupta, MC Shanahan, B Kim
Springer, 2019
Using reflection to support environmental identity development in the classroom context
W Simms, MC Shanahan
Environmental Education Research 25 (10), 1454-1478, 2019
“We're taking their brilliant minds”: Science teacher expertize, meta‐discourse, and the challenges of teacher–scientist collaboration
MC Shanahan, R Bechtel
Science Education 104 (2), 354-387, 2020
A horizon of possibilities: a definition of STEM education
L Burke, K Francis, M Shanahan
STEM 2014 Conference, Vancouver, July, 12-15, 2014
Reading for evidence through hybrid adapted primary literature
MC Shanahan
Reading for evidence and interpreting visualizations in mathematics and …, 2012
Language and symbolic violence in computational models of ethnocentrism: A critical phenomenology and Southern re-orientations
P Sengupta, A Chokshi, B Helvaci Ozacar, S Dutta, M Sanyal, ...
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 1-20, 2022
Reimagining STEM education: Critical, transdisciplinary, and embodied approaches
P Sengupta, MC Shanahan, B Kim
Critical, transdisciplinary and embodied approaches in STEM education, 3-19, 2019
Museum facilitator practice as infrastructure design work for public computing
S Hladik, P Sengupta, MC Shanahan
Cognition and Instruction 41 (2), 248-289, 2023
Elementary children’s shifting views of models and the nature of matter
BJ Gustafson, MC Shanahan, S Gentilini
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 10, 103-122, 2010
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Articles 1–20