How different formal institutions affect opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship L Fuentelsaz, C González, JP Maícas, J Montero BRQ Business Research Quarterly 18 (4), 246-258, 2015 | 326 | 2015 |
Entrepreneurs and innovation: The contingent role of institutional factors L Fuentelsaz, JP Maicas, J Montero International Small Business Journal 36 (6), 686-711, 2018 | 163 | 2018 |
¿Qué hace que algunos emprendedores sean más innovadores? L Fuentelsaz, J Montero Universia Business Review 47, 14-31, 2015 | 70 | 2015 |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Informe GEM España 2019-2020 I Peña-Legazkue, M Guerrero, JL González-Pernía, J Montero Ed. Universidad de Cantabria, 2020 | 57* | 2020 |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Informe GEM España 2018-2019 I Peña-Legazkue, M Guerrero, JL González-Pernía, J Montero Ed. Universidad de Cantabria, 2019 | 41* | 2019 |
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: informe GEM España 2017-2018 I Peña, M Guerrero, JL González-Pernía, J Montero Ed. Universidad de Cantabria, 2018 | 41* | 2018 |
The influence of individual characteristics on getting involved in an entrepreneurial team: The contingent role of individualism N Pinzón, J Montero, JL González-Pernía International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-38, 2022 | 25 | 2022 |
When are entrepreneurs more environmentally oriented? An analysis of stakeholders' pressures at different stages of evolution of the venture P Bernal, B Domínguez, J Montero Business Strategy and the Environment 31 (3), 828-844, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Do You Need to be Risk-Tolerant to Become an Entrepreneur? The Importance of the Reference Point L Fuentelsaz, JP Maicas, J Montero Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 1-30, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
How the culture of a country explains the social status of entrepreneurs L Fuentelsaz, JP Maicas, J Montero UCJC Business and Society Review 59, 76-113, 2018 | 8* | 2018 |
The social status of entrepreneurs: An analysis of informal and formal institutional determinants L Fuentelsaz, JP Maicas, J Montero European Management Review, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Dinámica emprendedora y crecimiento económico. Implicaciones políticas desde el proyecto GEM C González, J Montero Cuadernos Aragoneses de Economía, 39-57, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
Selección de socios y resultado de los equipos emprendedores:¿ Debería quedar todo en familia? S Aparicio, J Montero Boletín de Estudios Económicos 78 (234), 93-114, 2023 | | 2023 |
Differences between entrepreneurial teams and individual entrepreneurs: an international approach N Pinzón, JL González-Pernía, J Montero UCJC Business and Society Review, 192-235, 2021 | | 2021 |