Javier Garcia-Estevez
Cited by
Cited by
Barriers to innovation through public procurement: A supplier perspective
E Uyarra, J Edler, J Garcia-Estevez, L Georghiou, J Yeow
Technovation 34 (10), 631-645, 2014
Desempleo juvenil en Colombia:¿ la educación importa?
CD Castillo-Robayo, J García-Estévez
Revista Finanzas y Política Económica 11 (1), 101-127, 2019
Drivers of R&D investment in the defence industry: Evidence from Spain
J García-Estévez, E Trujillo-Baute
Defence and Peace Economics 25 (1), 39-49, 2014
The effects of the mining-energy boom on inclusive development in Colombia
J Ariza, A Vargas-Prieto, J García-Estévez
The Extractive Industries and Society 7 (4), 1597-1606, 2020
On the relationship between mining and rural poverty: Evidence for Colombia
AV Prieto, J García-Estévez, JF Ariza
Resources Policy 75, 102443, 2022
Fostering place-based coalitions between social movements and science for sustainable urban environments: A case of embedded agency
M Ramirez, JHG Estevez, OYR Goyeneche, CEO Rodriguez
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38 (7-8), 1386-1411, 2020
Student graduation in Spain: to what extent does university expenditure matter?
J García-Estevez, N Duch-Brown
Research in Higher Education 55, 308-328, 2014
Universities and regional economic growth in Spanish regions
ND Brown, JG Estévez, MP i Sabata
Documents de treball IEB, 1, 2011
Estudios sobre medio ambiente y sostenibilidad: una mirada desde Colombia
HF Guerrero Sierra, ME Vega, PM Acosta Castellanos, ...
Universidad Santo Tomás, 2018
The relationship between new universities and new firms: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in Spain
J García-Estévez, N Duch-Brown
Regional Studies, Regional Science 7 (1), 244-266, 2020
Universities and regional economic growth in Spanish regions
N Duch Brown, J García Estévez, M Parellada
IEB Working Paper 2011/06, 2011
Policy and Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Development in Latin America
G Ordóñez-Matamoros, I Bortagaray, JH Sierra-González, ...
Policy and Governance of Science, Technology, and Innovation: Social …, 2021
The economic impact of the Spanish public university system. An analysis for the period 1998-2004
N Duch, J García, MP i Sabata
Documents de treball IEB, 1, 2008
Mining-energy boom and local institutional capacities-the case of Colombia
J García-Estévez, A Vargas-Prieto, J Ariza
The Extractive Industries and Society 17, 101387, 2024
Science, Technology, and Higher Education
LA Orozco, G Ordóñez-Matamoros, JH Sierra-González, J García-Estévez, ...
Springer International Publishing, 2021
El impacto del sector minero energético en el desarrollo social de las regiones: en caso del Catatumbo, Colombia
A Vargas Prieto, J García Estévez
Do universities affect firms' location decisions? Evidence from Spain
N Duch, J García-Estévez, M Parellada
Instituto de Economía de Barcelona Working Paper, 2011
Spain-Comparative Report
K Krüger, A Molas Cardona, J García Estévez, L Jiménez Esteller
Discussion Paper 2013/7.1. Barcelona/Oldenburg, 2013
Science-Enterprise Co-Operation: Literature Review and Country Cases
E Uyarra, K Flanagan, F Kitagawa, JG Estevez
Evolution of the Third Mission Agenda: Actors, Policies and Partnerships …, 2012
Do universities affect firms' location decisions
N Duch, J García-Estévez
Evidence from Spain, Document de treball de l'IEB 7, 2011
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Articles 1–20