Claire Ebert
Cited by
Cited by
Development and disintegration of Maya political systems in response to climate change
DJ Kennett, SFM Breitenbach, VV Aquino, Y Asmerom, J Awe, ...
Science 338 (6108), 788-791, 2012
The political collapse of Chichén Itzá in climatic and cultural context
JA Hoggarth, SFM Breitenbach, BJ Culleton, CE Ebert, MA Masson, ...
Global and planetary change 138, 25-42, 2016
The Classic Period Maya transition from an ideal free to an ideal despotic settlement system at the polity of Uxbenká
KM Prufer, AE Thompson, CR Meredith, BJ Culleton, JM Jordan, CE Ebert, ...
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 45, 53-68, 2017
Regional response to drought during the formation and decline of Preclassic Maya societies
CE Ebert, N Peniche May, BJ Culleton, JJ Awe, DJ Kennett
Quaternary Science Reviews 173, 211-235, 2017
Integrating quantitative LiDAR analysis and settlement survey in the Belize River Valley
CE Ebert, JA Hoggarth, JJ Awe
Advances in Archaeological Practice 4 (3), 284-300, 2016
The low-density urban systems of the Classic period Maya and Izapa: insights from settlement scaling theory
ME Smith, SG Ortman, J Lobo, CE Ebert, AE Thompson, KM Prufer, ...
Latin American Antiquity 32 (1), 120-137, 2021
Terminal long count dates and the disintegration of Classic Period Maya polities
CE Ebert, KM Prufer, MJ Macri, B Winterhalder, DJ Kennett
Ancient Mesoamerica 25 (2), 337-356, 2014
The role of diet in resilience and vulnerability to climate change among early agricultural communities in the Maya Lowlands
CE Ebert, JA Hoggarth, JJ Awe, BJ Culleton, DJ Kennett
Current Anthropology 60 (4), 589-601, 2019
Formative Period Obsidian Exchange along the Pacific Coast of M esoamerica
CE Ebert, M Dennison, KG Hirth, SB McClure, DJ Kennett
Archaeometry 57, 54-73, 2015
Ancient Lowland Maya neighborhoods: Average Nearest Neighbor analysis and kernel density models, environments, and urban scale
AE Thompson, JP Walden, ASZ Chase, SR Hutson, DB Marken, B Cap, ...
PloS one 17 (11), e0275916, 2022
AMS 14C Dating of Preclassic to Classic Period Household Construction in the Ancient Maya Community of Cahal Pech, Belize
CE Ebert, BJ Culleton, JJ Awe, DJ Kennett
Radiocarbon, 2016
End-to-end Bayesian analysis for summarizing sets of radiocarbon dates
MH Price, JM Capriles, JA Hoggarth, RK Bocinsky, CE Ebert, JH Jones
Journal of Archaeological Science 135, 105473, 2021
Modeling variability in Classic Maya intermediate elite political strategies through multivariate analysis of settlement patterns
JP Walden, CE Ebert, JA Hoggarth, SM Montgomery, JJ Awe
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 55, 101074, 2019
Sulfur isotopes as a proxy for human diet and mobility from the preclassic through colonial periods in the Eastern Maya lowlands
CE Ebert, AJ Rand, K Green-Mink, JA Hoggarth, C Freiwald, JJ Awe, ...
PLoS One 16 (8), e0254992, 2021
Preclassic Maya Social Complexity and Origins of Inequality at Cahal Pech, Belize
CE Ebert
Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University, 2017
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and early career archaeologists
JA Hoggarth, S Batty, V Bondura, E Creamer, CE Ebert, K Green-Mink, ...
Heritage 4 (3), 1681-1702, 2021
Prehistoric Games of North American Indians: Subarctic to Mesoamerica
B Voorhies, CE Ebert
Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 38 (1), 2018
Classic Period Maya Water Management and Ecological Adaptation in the Belize River Valley
CE Ebert, JA Hoggarth, JJ Awe
Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 13, 109-119, 2016
Applying Regional, Contextual, Ethnohistoric, and Ethnographic Approaches for Understanding the Significance of Peri-Abandonment Deposits in Western Belize
JJ Awe, C Helmke, JJ Aimers, CE Ebert, WJ Stemp, JA Hoggarth
Ancient Mesoamerica 31 (1), 109-126, 2020
The Last Hurrah: Examining the Nature of Peri-Abandonment Deposits and Activities at Cahal Pech, Belize
JJ Awe, CE Ebert, JA Hoggarth, JJ Aimers, C Helmke, J Douglas, ...
Ancient Mesoamerica 31 (1), 175-187, 2020
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Articles 1–20