Melissa S. Plakke
Cited by
Cited by
Structural complexity and molecular heterogeneity of a butterfly ejaculate reflect a complex history of selection
C Meslin, TS Cherwin, MS Plakke, J Hill, BS Small, BJ Goetz, CW Wheat, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (27), E5406-E5413, 2017
Digestive organ in the female reproductive tract borrows genes from multiple organ systems to adopt critical functions
C Meslin, MS Plakke, AB Deutsch, BS Small, NI Morehouse, NL Clark
Molecular biology and evolution 32 (6), 1567-1580, 2015
Dynamic digestive physiology of a female reproductive organ in a polyandrous butterfly
MS Plakke, AB Deutsch, C Meslin, NL Clark, NI Morehouse
The Journal of Experimental Biology 218 (10), 1548-1555, 2015
How signaling geometry shapes the efficacy and evolution of animal communication systems
SA Echeverri, AE Miller, J Chen, EW McQueen, M Plakke, M Spicer, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 61 (3), 787-813, 2021
Characterization of female reproductive proteases in a butterfly from functional and evolutionary perspectives
MS Plakke, JL Walker, JB Lombardo, BJ Goetz, GN Pacella, JD Durrant, ...
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 92 (6), 579-590, 2019
Synthesis and scope of the role of postmating prezygotic isolation in speciation
MD Garlovsky, E Whittington, T Albrecht, H Arenas-Castro, DM Castillo, ...
Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, a041429, 2023
Post-mating, Pre-zygotic Interactions and Their Potential to Drive Speciation in the Cabbage White Butterfly, Pieris rapae
MS Plakke
University of Pittsburgh, 2019
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Articles 1–7