Gregory Chockler
Gregory Chockler
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Group communication specifications: a comprehensive study
GV Chockler, I Keidar, R Vitenberg
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 33 (4), 427-469, 2001
Toward a cloud computing research agenda
K Birman, G Chockler, R van Renesse
ACM SIGACt News 40 (2), 68-80, 2009
Spidercast: a scalable interest-aware overlay for topic-based pub/sub communication
G Chockler, R Melamed, Y Tock, R Vitenberg
Proceedings of the 2007 inaugural international conference on Distributed …, 2007
Byzantine disk paxos: optimal resilience with byzantine shared memory
I Abraham, G Chockler, I Keidar, D Malkhi
Distributed Computing 18, 387-408, 2006
Constructing scalable overlays for pub-sub with many topics
G Chockler, R Melamed, Y Tock, R Vitenberg
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Principles of …, 2007
Active disk paxos with infinitely many processes
G Chockler, D Malkhi
Proceedings of the twenty-first annual symposium on Principles of …, 2002
Group communication specifications: A comprehensive study
R Vitenberg, I Keidar, GV Chockler, D Dolev
Dr. multicast: Rx for data center communication scalability
Y Vigfusson, H Abu-Libdeh, M Balakrishnan, K Birman, R Burgess, ...
Proceedings of the 5th European conference on Computer systems, 349-362, 2010
Consensus and collision detectors in wireless ad hoc networks
G Chockler, M Demirbas, S Gilbert, C Newport, T Nolte
Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual ACM Symposium on Principles of …, 2005
Reliable distributed storage
G Chockler, R Guerraoui, I Keidar, M Vukolic
Computer 42 (4), 60-67, 2009
Verifying cloud services: present and future
S Bouchenak, G Chockler, H Chockler, G Gheorghe, N Santos, A Shraer
ACM SIGOPS operating systems review 47 (2), 6-19, 2013
Implementing a caching service for distributed CORBA objects
GV Chockler, D Dolev, R Friedman, R Vitenberg
IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open …, 2000
Dynamic performance profiling of cloud caches
T Saemundsson, H Bjornsson, G Chockler, Y Vigfusson
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 1-14, 2014
Reconfigurable distributed storage for dynamic networks
G Chockler, S Gilbert, V Gramoli, PM Musial, AA Shvartsman
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 69 (1), 100-116, 2009
Making byzantine consensus live
M Bravo, G Chockler, A Gotsman
Distributed Computing 35 (6), 503-532, 2022
Scalable group membership services for novel applications.
T Anker, GV Chockler, D Dolev, I Keidar
Networks in Distributed Computing 45, 23-42, 1997
Magnet: practical subscription clustering for internet-scale publish/subscribe
S Girdzijauskas, G Chockler, Y Vigfusson, Y Tock, R Melamed
Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on Distributed Event …, 2010
Backoff protocols for distributed mutual exclusion and ordering
G Chockler, D Malkhi, MK Reiter
Proceedings 21st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2001
An adaptive totally ordered multicast protocol that tolerates partitions
GV Chockler, N Huleihel, D Dolev
Proceedings of the seventeenth annual ACM symposium on Principles of …, 1998
Group communication as an infrastructure for distributed system management
E Amir, D Breitgand, GV Chockler, D Dolev
Proceedings of Third International Workshop on Services in Distributed and …, 1996
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Articles 1–20