Haneen Farah
Cited by
Cited by
HeartPy: A novel heart rate algorithm for the analysis of noisy signals
P van Gent, H Farah, N van Nes, B van Arem
Transportation Research Part F 66, 368–378, 2019
Interaction between pedestrians and automated vehicles: A Wizard of Oz experiment
MPH Ana Rodríguez Palmeiro, Sander van der Kint, Luuk Vissers, Haneen Farah ...
Transportation Research Part F Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 58, 1005-1020, 0
Studying pedestrians’ crossing behavior when interacting with automated vehicles using virtual reality
JPN Velasco, H Farah, B Van Arem, MP Hagenzieker
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 66, 1-14, 2019
Risk evaluation by modeling of passing behavior on two-lane rural highways
H Farah, S Bekhor, A Polus
Accident Analysis & Prevention 41 (4), 887-894, 2009
Design and operation of dedicated lanes for connected and automated vehicles on motorways: A conceptual framework and research agenda
S Razmi Rad, H Farah, H Taale, B van Arem, S Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 117, 2020
A passing gap acceptance model for two-lane rural highways
H Farah, S Bekhor, A Polus, T Toledo
Transportmetrica 5 (3), 159-172, 2009
Safety analysis of passing maneuvers using extreme value theory
H Farah, CL Azevedo
IATSS research 41 (1), 12-21, 2017
Evaluation of the effect of cooperative infrastructure-to-vehicle systems on driver behavior
H Farah, HN Koutsopoulos, M Saifuzzaman, R Kölbl, S Fuchs, ...
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 21 (1), 42-56, 2012
Latent class model for car following behavior
HN Koutsopoulos, H Farah
Transportation research part B: methodological 46 (5), 563-578, 2012
Analysing noisy driver physiology real-time using off-the-shelf sensors: Heart rate analysis software from the taking the fast lane project
P Van Gent, H Farah, N Van Nes, B Van Arem
Journal of Open Research Software 7 (1), 2019
Passing behavior on two-lane highways
H Farah, T Toledo
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 13 (6), 355-364, 2010
Age and gender differences in overtaking maneuvers on two-lane rural highways
H Farah
Transportation research record 2248 (1), 30-36, 2011
Infrastructure for automated and connected driving: State of the art and future research directions
H Farah, SMJG Erkens, T Alkim, B van Arem
Road vehicle automation 4, 187-197, 2018
Driving behaviour at motorway ramps and weaving segments based on empirical trajectory data
A van Beinum, H Farah, F Wegman, S Hoogendoorn
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 92, 426-441, 2018
Do cooperative systems make drivers’ car-following behavior safer?
H Farah, HN Koutsopoulos
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 41, 61-72, 2014
Can providing feedback on driving behavior and training on parental vigilant care affect male teen drivers and their parents?
H Farah, O Musicant, Y Shimshoni, T Toledo, E Grimberg, H Omer, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 69, 62-70, 2014
A forward collision avoidance algorithm based on driver braking behavior
X Xiong, M Wang, Y Cai, L Chen, H Farah, M Hagenzieker
Accident Analysis & Prevention 129, 30-43, 2019
The effect of positive and negative emotions on young drivers: A simulator study
A Eherenfreund-Hager, O Taubman–Ben-Ari, T Toledo, H Farah
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 49, 236-243, 2017
Modelling overtaking strategy and lateral distance in car-to-cyclist overtaking on rural roads: A driving simulator experiment
H Farah, GB Piccinini, M Itoh, M Dozza
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 63, 226-239, 2019
Association of risk proneness in overtaking maneuvers with impaired decision making
H Farah, E Yechiam, S Bekhor, T Toledo, A Polus
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 11 (5), 313-323, 2008
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