Dr. Siddarth Shankar Das
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Cited by
Influence of tropical cyclones on tropospheric ozone: possible implications
SS Das, MV Ratnam, KN Uma, KV Subrahmanyam, IA Girach, AK Patra, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16, 4837-4847, 2016
Observations of extremely low tropopause temperature over the Indian tropical region during monsoon and postmonsoon months: Possible implications
AR Jain, SS Das, TK Mandal, AP Mitra
Journal of geophysical research 111 (D7), D07106, 2006
Effect of tropical cyclones on the Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange observed using satellite observations over north Indian Ocean
MV Ratnam, SR Babu, SS Das, G Basha, BV Krishnamurthy, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics-Discussion, 1-30, 2016
A climatological perspective of water vapor at the UTLS region over different global monsoon regions: observations inferred from the Aura-MLS and reanalysis data
KN Uma, SK Das, SS Das
Climate Dynamics 43 (1), 407-420, 2014
Characteristics of turbulence in the troposphere and lower stratosphere over the Indian Peninsula
SV Sunilkumar, M Muhsin, K Parameswaran, MV Ratnam, G Ramkumar, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 133, 36-53, 2015
A new perspective on MST radar observations of stratospheric intrusions into-troposphere associated with tropical cyclone
SS Das
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (15), L15821, 2009
Diurnal variability of the tropical tropopause: Significance of VHF radar measurements
SS Das, AR Jain, KK Kumar, DN Rao
Radio Science 43 (6), RS6003, 2008
Stratospheric intrusion into the troposphere during the tropical cyclone Nilam (2012)
Das, S. S., M. Venkat Ratnam, K. N. Uma, A. K. Patra, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2016
Wind Farm Site Assessment Using Measure–Correlate-Predict (MCP) Analysis
E Sreevalsan, SS Das, R Sasikumar, MP Ramesh
Wind Engineering 31 (2), 111-116, 2007
MST radar investigation on inertia-gravity waves associated with tropical depression in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over Gadanki (13.5° N, 79.2° E)
SS Das, KK Kumar, KN Uma
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 72 (16), 1184-1194, 2010
VHF radar echoes in the vicinity of tropopause during the passage of tropical cyclone: First observations from the Gadanki MST radar
SS Das, AK Patra, DN Rao
Journal of Geophysical Research 113 (D9), D09113, 2008
Assessment of vertical air motion among reanalyses and qualitative comparison with very-high-frequency radar measurements over two tropical stations
KN Uma, SS Das, MV Ratnam, KV Suneeth
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (3), 2083-2103, 2021
Upper tropospheric ozone transport from the sub-tropics to tropics over the Indian region during Asian summer monsoon
SS Das, KV Suneeth, MV Ratnam, IA Girach, SK Das
Climate Dynamics, 1-15, 2018
Diurnal variability of the global tropical tropopause: results inferred from COSMIC observations
KV Suneeth, D Siddarth, Shankar, D Subrata, Kumar
Climate Dynamics 49 (9-10), 3277–3292, 2017
MST radar observations of short-period gravity wave during overhead tropical cyclone
SS Das, KN Uma, SK Das
Radio Science 47 (2), RS2019, 2012
Mesoscale convection system and occurrence of extreme low tropopause temperatures: observations over Asian summer monsoon region
AR Jain, V Panwar, TK Mandal, VR Rao, A Goel, R Gautam, SS Das, ...
Annales geophysicae: atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences 28 (4), 927, 2010
Temperature perturbations in the troposphere-stratosphere over Thumba (8.5° N, 76.9° E) during the solar eclipse 2009/2010
KV Subrahmanyam, G Ramkumar, KK Kumar, D Swain, SVS Kumar, ...
Annales Geophysicae-Atmospheres Hydrospheresand Space Sciences 29 (2), 275, 2011
Temporal and structural evolution of a tropical monsoon cloud system: A case study using X-band radar observations
SK Das, SM Deshpande, SS Das, M Konwar, K Chakravarty, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 133, 157-168, 2015
Four decadal climatological intercomparison of Rocketsonde and Radiosonde with different reanalysis data: Results from Thumba Equatorial Station
SS Das, KN Uma, VN Bineesha, KV Suneeth, G Ramkumar
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 142 (694), 91-101, 2015
Simultaneous observation of quasi 16 day wave in the mesospheric winds and temperature over low latitudes with the SKiYMET radar
SS Das, KK Kumar, SB Veena, G Ramkumar
Radio Science 45 (6), RS6014, 2010
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Articles 1–20