Santiago Villarreal-Narvaez
Santiago Villarreal-Narvaez
Postdoctoral researcher at Université de Namur
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Cited by
A systematic review of gesture elicitation studies: What can we learn from 216 studies?
S Villarreal-Narvaez, J Vanderdonckt, RD Vatavu, JO Wobbrock
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM designing interactive systems conference, 855-872, 2020
Eliciting contact-based and contactless gestures with radar-based sensors
N Magrofuoco, JL Pérez-Medina, P Roselli, J Vanderdonckt, S Villarreal
IEEE Access 7, 176982-176997, 2019
Head and shoulders gestures: Exploring user-defined gestures with upper body
J Vanderdonckt, N Magrofuoco, S Kieffer, J Pérez, Y Rase, P Roselli, ...
Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Advanced …, 2019
ePHoRt project: A web-based platform for home motor rehabilitation
Y Rybarczyk, JK Deters, AA Gonzalvo, M Gonzalez, S Villarreal, ...
Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 2 5, 609-618, 2017
Recognition of physiotherapeutic exercises through DTW and low-cost vision-based motion capture
Y Rybarczyk, JK Deters, AA Gonzalo, D Esparza, M Gonzalez, S Villarreal, ...
Advances in Human Factors and Systems Interaction: Proceedings of the AHFE …, 2018
ePHoRt: towards a reference architecture for tele-rehabilitation systems
JL Perez-Medina, KB Jimenes-Vargas, L Leconte, S Villarreal, ...
IEEE Access 7, 97159-97176, 2019
Brave new GES world: A systematic literature review of gestures and referents in gesture elicitation studies
S Villarreal-Narvaez, A Slu˙ters, J Vanderdonckt, RD Vatavu
ACM Computing Surveys 56 (5), 1-55, 2024
Informing future gesture elicitation studies for interactive applications that use radar sensing
S Villarreal-Narvaez, AI Şiean, A Slu˙ters, RD Vatavu, J Vanderdonckt
Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual …, 2022
A gesture elicitation study of nose-based gestures
JL Pérez-Medina, S Villarreal, J Vanderdonckt
Sensors 20 (24), 7118, 2020
Educational resources accessible on the tele-rehabilitation platform
P Acosta-Vargas, W Esparza, Y Rybarczyk, M González, S Villarreal, ...
Advances in Human Factors and Systems Interaction: Proceedings of the AHFE …, 2019
Crosside: a design space for characterizing cross-surface collaboration by sketching
JL Perez Medina, J Vanderdonckt, S Villarreal Narvaez
Journal of Visual Language and Computing 1 (1), 29, 2019
Analysis and improvement of the web accessibility of a tele-rehabilitation platform for hip arthroplasty patients
T Calle-Jimenez, S Sanchez-Gordon, Y Rybarczyk, J Jadán, S Villarreal, ...
Advances in Human Factors and Systems Interaction: Proceedings of the AHFE …, 2019
On the use of natural user interfaces in physical rehabilitation: A web-based application for patients with hip prosthesis
Y Rybarczyk, C Cointe, T Gonçalves, V Minhoto, JK Deters, S Villarreal, ...
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts 10 (2), 15-24, 2018
RepliGES and GEStory: visual tools for systematizing and consolidating knowledge on user-defined gestures
BF Gheran, S Villarreal-Narvaez, RD Vatavu, J Vanderdonckt
Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual …, 2022
Analysis and improvement of the usability of a tele-rehabilitation platform for hip surgery patients
H Pilco, S Sanchez-Gordon, T Calle-Jimenez, Y Rybarczyk, J Jadán, ...
Advances in Human Factors and Systems Interaction: Proceedings of the AHFE …, 2019
Analysis of User-defined Radar-based Hand Gestures Sensed through Multiple Materials
A Slu˙ters, S Lambot, J Vanderdonckt, S Villarreal-Narvaez
IEEE Access 12, 27895-27917, 2024
Theoretically-Defined vs. User-Defined Squeeze Gestures
S Villarreal-Narvaez, A Slu˙ters, J Vanderdonckt, E Mbaki Luzayisu
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (ISS), 73-102, 2022
Eliciting user-defined zenithal gestures for privacy preferences
FJ Martınez-Ruiz, S Villarreal-Narvaez
Exploring user-defined gestures for lingual and palatal interaction
S Villarreal-Narvaez, JL Perez-Medina, J Vanderdonckt
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 17 (3), 167-185, 2023
Interaction with a tele-rehabilitation platform through a natural user interface: A case study of hip arthroplasty patients
Y Rybarczyk, S Villarreal, M González, P Acosta-Vargas, D Esparza, ...
Advances in Human Factors and Systems Interaction: Proceedings of the AHFE …, 2019
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Articles 1–20