David Huard
David Huard
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PyMC: Bayesian stochastic modelling in Python
A Patil, D Huard, CJ Fonnesbeck
Journal of statistical software 35 (4), 1, 2010
Bayesian copula selection
D Huard, G Evin, AC Favre
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 51 (2), 809-822, 2006
Importance of tail dependence in bivariate frequency analysis
A Poulin, D Huard, AC Favre, S Pugin
Journal of hydrologic engineering 12 (4), 394-403, 2007
Calibration of hydrological model GR2M using Bayesian uncertainty analysis
D Huard, A Mailhot
Water Resources Research 44 (2), 2008
A Bayesian perspective on input uncertainty in model calibration: Application to hydrological model “abc”
D Huard, A Mailhot
Water Resources Research 42 (7), 2006
Hydrologic response to multimodel climate output using a physically based model of groundwater/surface water interactions
M Sulis, C Paniconi, M Marrocu, D Huard, D Chaumont
Water Resources Research 48 (12), 2012
Improving the numerical convergence of viscous-plastic sea ice models with the Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov method
JF Lemieux, B Tremblay, J Sedláček, P Tupper, S Thomas, D Huard, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (8), 2840-2852, 2010
Repository supporting the implementation of FAIR principles in the IPCC-WG1 Atlas
M Iturbide, J Fernández, JM Gutiérrez, J Bedia, E Cimadevilla, ...
Zenodo 2022, 2021
Bayesian estimation of intensity–duration–frequency curves and of the return period associated to a given rainfall event
D Huard, A Mailhot, S Duchesne
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 24, 337-347, 2010
Probable maximum flood in a changing climate: An overview for Canadian basins
J Clavet-Gaumont, D Huard, A Frigon, K Koenig, P Slota, A Rousseau, ...
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 13, 11-25, 2017
Projected polar bear sea ice habitat in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
SG Hamilton, L Castro de la Guardia, AE Derocher, V Sahanatien, ...
PLOS one 9 (11), e113746, 2014
An assessment of six dissimilarity metrics for climate analogs
P Grenier, AC Parent, D Huard, F Anctil, D Chaumont
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 52 (4), 733-752, 2013
Repository supporting the implementation of FAIR principles in the IPCC-WG1 Atlas. Zenodo
M Iturbide, J Fernández, JM Gutiérrez, J Bedia, E Cimadevilla, ...
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2021
Bayesian multiproxy temperature reconstruction with black spruce ring widths and stable isotopes from the northern Quebec taiga
F Gennaretti, D Huard, M Naulier, M Savard, C Bégin, D Arseneault, ...
Climate Dynamics 49, 4107-4119, 2017
Implementation of FAIR principles in the IPCC: the WGI AR6 Atlas repository
M Iturbide, J Fernández, JM Gutiérrez, A Pirani, D Huard, A Al Khourdajie, ...
Scientific data 9 (1), 629, 2022
A decade of climate scenarios: the ouranos consortium modus operandi
D Huard, D Chaumont, T Logan, MF Sottile, RD Brown, BG St-Denis, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (8), 1213-1225, 2014
Estimating the likelihood of GHG concentration scenarios from probabilistic Integrated Assessment Model simulations
D Huard, J Fyke, I Capellán‐Pérez, HD Matthews, AI Partanen
Earth's Future 10 (10), e2022EF002715, 2022
Impacts des changements climatiques sur l’habitat des salmonidés dans les lacs nordiques du Québec.
C Bélanger, D Huard, Y Gratton, DI Jeong, A St-Hilaire, JC Auclair, ...
INRS, Centre Eau Terre Environnement, 2013
xclim: xarray-based climate data analytics
P Bourgault, D Huard, TJ Smith, T Logan, A Aoun, J Lavoie, É Dupuis, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 8 (85), 5415, 2023
Is quantum chaos weaker than classical chaos?
LA Caron, D Huard, H Kröger, G Melkonyan, KJM Moriarty, LP Nadeau
Physics Letters A 322 (1-2), 60-66, 2004
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Articles 1–20