Alyssa R. Henry
Cited by
Cited by
Forty years of reading intervention research for elementary students with or at risk for dyslexia: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
C Hall, K Dahl‐Leonard, E Cho, EJ Solari, P Capin, CL Conner, AR Henry, ...
Reading Research Quarterly 58 (2), 285-312, 2023
Targeting oral language and listening comprehension development for students with autism spectrum disorder: A school-based pilot study
AR Henry, EJ Solari
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50, 3763-3776, 2020
Testing the effects of a pilot listening comprehension and vocabulary intervention for individuals with autism
EJ Solari, AR Henry, NS McIntyre, RP Grimm, M Zajic
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 71, 101501, 2020
Code-related literacy profiles of kindergarten students with autism
EJ Solari, AR Henry, RP Grimm, MC Zajic, A McGinty
Autism 26 (1), 230-242, 2022
Effectiveness of interventions for English learners with word reading difficulties: A research synthesis
EJ Solari, KF Kehoe, E Cho, C Hall, I Vargas, K Dahl-Leonard, ...
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 37 (3), 158-174, 2022
Secondary analysis of reading-based activities utilizing a scripted language approach: evaluating interactions between students with autism and their interventionists
N Sparapani, E Solari, L Towers, N McIntyre, A Henry, M Zajic
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 63 (9), 3130-3154, 2020
Developing social knowledge to support reading comprehension in elementary students with ASD
AR Henry, EJ Solari
TEACHING Exceptional Children 54 (4), 306-314, 2022
Validation of an instrument for assessing elementary-grade educators’ knowledge to teach reading
C Hall, EJ Solari, L Hayes, K Dahl-Leonard, J DeCoster, KF Kehoe, ...
Reading and Writing 37 (8), 1955-1974, 2024
Conducting oral and written language adapted tele-assessments with early elementary-age children with autism spectrum disorder
C Conner, AR Henry, EJ Solari, MC Zajic
Autism & Developmental Language Impairments 7, 23969415221133268, 2022
Feasibility and initial efficacy of an adapted telepractice listening comprehension intervention for school-aged children with autism
AR Henry, C Conner, MC Zajic, EJ Solari
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 53 (5), 1862-1872, 2023
Preparing Teacher Candidates for Successful Communication with Diverse Families Using Simulations.
JJ Henry, C Kindzierski, SE Budin, AM Tryjankowski, AR Henry
Teacher Educators' Journal 15 (1), 46-76, 2022
An exploration of the heterogeneous nature of reading comprehension development in first grade: The impact of word and meaning skills
EJ Solari, RP Grimm, AR Henry
Journal of Learning Disabilities 55 (4), 292-305, 2022
Reading development for individuals with ASD: Current knowledge and a roadmap for next steps
EJ Solari, NS McIntyre, JM Dynia, A Henry
The Next Big Thing in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities 31, 149-172, 2021
Preliminary effects of a pilot listening comprehension intervention on the narrative abilities of children with ASD
AR Henry, EJ Solari, NS McIntyre
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 21 (4), 293-301, 2021
Planning and Implementing Effective Language and Reading Comprehension Instructional Techniques for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Cognitive Disabilities
C Conner, JH Allor, AR Henry, S Al Otaiba, MB Ortiz
The Reading Teacher, 2023
A School-Based Pilot Study of an Intervention Targeting Early Reading and Language Development for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
AR Henry
University of California, Davis, 2019
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Articles 1–16