Marcio Merino Fernandes
Marcio Merino Fernandes
UFSCar - Departamento de Computação
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O sistema radicular e suas interações com o ambiente edáfico
E Zonta, FC Brasil, SR Goi, MMT Rosa, MMT Fernandes
Nutrição mineral de plantas. Viçosa, MG: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do …, 2006
Distributed modulo scheduling
MM Fernandes, J Llosa, N Topham
Proceedings Fifth International Symposium on High-Performance Computer …, 1999
A Real Time Gesture Recognition System for Mobile Robots.
V Bonato, AK Sanches, MM Fernandes, JMP Cardoso, E do Valle Simões, ...
ICINCO (2), 207-214, 2004
Using queues for register file organization in VLIW architectures
MM Fernandes, J Llosa, N Topham
University of Edinburgh, Department of Computer Science, Computer Systems Group, 1997
Processors and compiling methods for processors
MM Fernandes, RM Livesley
US Patent 7,747,990, 2010
Partitioned schedules for clustered vliw architectures
MM Fernandes, J Llosa, N Topham
Proceedings of the First Merged International Parallel Processing Symposium …, 1998
Effectiveness of caregivers’ Yoga module on psychological distress and mental well-being among caregivers of patients admitted to neurological rehabilitation wards of a …
S Gandhi, VK Palled, M Sahu, A Jagannathan, M Khanna, A Jose
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 10 (4), 657, 2019
ARCHITECT-R: a system for reconfigurable robots design
RA Gonçalves, PA Moraes, JMP Cardoso, DF Wolf, MM Fernandes, ...
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 679-683, 2003
A smart camera with gesture recognition and SLAM capabilities for mobile robots
V Bonato, MM Fernandes, E Marques
International journal of electronics 93 (6), 385-401, 2006
A clustered VLIW architecture based on queue register files
MM Fernandes
University of Edinburgh. College of Science and Engineering. School of …, 1998
LALP: A language to program custom FPGA-based acceleration engines
R Menotti, JMP Cardoso, MM Fernandes, E Marques
International Journal of Parallel Programming 40, 262-289, 2012
LALP: a novel language to program custom FPGA-based architectures
R Menotti, JMP Cardoso, MM Fernandes, E Marques
2009 21st International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2009
A mersenne twister hardware implementation for the Monte Carlo localization algorithm
V Bonato, BF Mazzotti, MM Fernandes, E Marques
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 70, 75-85, 2013
Automatic generation of FPGA hardware accelerators using a domain specific language
R Menotti, JMP Cardoso, MM Fernandes, E Marques
2009 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications …, 2009
Practical education fostered by research projects in an embedded systems course
V Bonato, MM Fernandes, JMP Cardoso, E Marques
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing 2014 (1), 287205, 2014
Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications: Third International Workshop, ARC 2007, Mangaratiba, Brazil, March 27-29, 2007, Proceedings
PC Diniz
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Allocating lifetimes to queues in software pipelined architectures
MM Fernandes, J Llosa, N Topham
Euro-Par'97 Parallel Processing: Third International Euro-Par Conference …, 1997
Extending a VLIW architecture model
MM Fernandes, J Llosa, N Topham
University of Edinburgh, Computer Systems Group, 1998
On using LALP to map an audio encoder/decoder on FPGAs
R Menotti, JMP Cardoso, MM Fernandes, E Marques
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 3063-3068, 2010
Complex Morphological Filtering For Serial, Parallel, GPU, SoC, PetaLinux And FPGA Execution
TB de Almeida, EC Pedrino, MM Fernandes
IEEE Latin America Transactions 18 (10), 1675-1682, 2020
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Articles 1–20