Abel Centella
Abel Centella
Center for Atmospheric Physics, Institute of Meteorology, Cuba
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Cited by
Using a climate scenario generator for vulnerability and adaptation assessments: MAGICC and SCENGEN: version 2.4 workbook
M Hulme, TML Wigley, E Barrow, S Raper, A Centella, S Smith, ...
Climatic Research Unit, 2000
A review of observed and projected changes in climate for the islands in the Caribbean
AV Karmalkar, MA Taylor, J Campbell, T Stephenson, M New, A Centella, ...
Atmósfera 26 (2), 283-309, 2013
Future Caribbean climates in a world of rising temperatures: the 1.5 vs 2.0 dilemma
MA Taylor, LA Clarke, A Centella, A Bezanilla, TS Stephenson, JJ Jones, ...
Journal of Climate 31 (7), 2907-2926, 2018
Long-term trends in precipitation and temperature across the Caribbean
PD Jones, C Harpham, I Harris, CM Goodess, A Burton, A Centella-Artola, ...
International Journal of Climatology 36 (9), 3314-3333, 2016
Variaciones y cambios del clima en Cuba
A Centella, L Naranjo, L Paz, P Cárdenas, B Lapinel, M Ballester, R Pérez, ...
Instituto de Meteorología, 1997
Glimpses of the future: a briefing from the PRECIS Caribbean Climate Change Project
MA Taylor, A Centella, J Charlery, I Borrajero, A Bezanilla, J Campbell, ...
Published by the Climate Studies Group, Mona, for the Caribbean Community …, 2007
República de Cuba: primera comunicación nacional a la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático
Cuba, C López, LR Paz, A Centella, J Llanes, M Limia
Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, 2001
Assessing the effect of domain size over the Caribbean region using the PRECIS regional climate model
A Centella-Artola, MA Taylor, A Bezanilla-Morlot, D Martinez-Castro, ...
Climate Dynamics 44, 1901-1918, 2015
The precis Caribbean story: lessons and legacies
MA Taylor, A Centella, J Charlery, A Bezanilla, J Campbell, I Borrajero, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (7), 1065-1073, 2013
La sequía meteorológica y agrícola en la República de Cuba y la República Dominicana
A Centella, B Lapinel, O Solano, R Vázquez, C Fonseca, V Cutié, R Baéz, ...
Tomo I), 174pp, 2006
The performance of RegCM4 over the Central America and Caribbean region using different cumulus parameterizations
D Martínez-Castro, A Vichot-Llano, A Bezanilla-Morlot, A Centella-Artola, ...
Climate Dynamics 50 (11), 4103-4126, 2018
Evaluation of sixteen gridded precipitation datasets over the Caribbean region using gauge observations
A Centella-Artola, A Bezanilla-Morlot, MA Taylor, DA Herrera, ...
Atmosphere 11 (12), 1334, 2020
A study of the uncertainty in future Caribbean climate using the PRECIS regional climate model
A Centella, A Bezanilla, K Leslie
Community Caribbean Climate Change Center Tech. Rep, 2008
Recent trends in the climate of Cuba
LR Naranjo‐Diaz, A Centella
Weather 53 (3), 78-85, 1998
Climate change scenarios for impact assessment in Cuba
A Centella, T Gutiérrez, M Limia, RR Jaspe
Climate Research 12 (2-3), 223-230, 1999
Sensibilidad al cambio de dominio y resolución de tres configuraciones del modelo climático regional RegCM 4.3 para la región de América Central y el Caribe.
A Vichot-Llano, D Martínez-Castro, A Centella-Artola, A Bezanilla-Morlot
Revista de Climatología 14, 2014
Una aproximación al conocimiento de la sequía en Cuba y sus efectos en la producción agropecuaria
OJS Ojeda, RJV Montenegro, AC Artola, BPL Pedroso
Zonas Áridas 11 (1), 85-100, 2007
Using a climate scenario generator for vulnerability and adaptation assessments: MAGICC and SCENGEN
M Hulme, TML Wigley, EM Barrow, SCB Raper, A Centella, S Smith, ...
Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 2000
Projected changes in precipitation and temperature regimes and extremes over the Caribbean and Central America using a multiparameter ensemble of RegCM4
A Vichot‐Llano, D Martinez‐Castro, A Bezanilla‐Morlot, A Centella‐Artola, ...
International Journal of Climatology 41 (2), 1328-1350, 2021
Comparison of GCM and RCM simulated precipitation and temperature over Central America and the Caribbean
A Vichot-Llano, D Martinez-Castro, F Giorgi, A Bezanilla-Morlot, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 143 (1), 389-402, 2021
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Articles 1–20