Eugenio Omodeo
Eugenio Omodeo
Universitą degli Studi di Trieste, formerly professor in Computer Science, today 'senior scholar'
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Cited by
Set theory for computing: from decision procedures to declarative programming with sets
D Cantone, E Omodeo, A Policriti
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Computable set theory
D Cantone, A Ferro, E Omodeo
Clarendon Press, 1989
{log}: A language for programming in logic with finite sets
A Dovier, EG Omodeo, E Pontelli, G Rossi
The Journal of logic programming 28 (1), 1-44, 1996
Decision procedures for elementary sublanguages of set theory. I. Multi‐level syllogistic and some extensions
A Ferro, EG Omodeo, JT Schwartz
Communications on pure and Applied Mathematics 33 (5), 599-608, 1980
{log}: A logic programming language with finite sets
A Dovier, EG Omodeo, E Pontelli, G Rossi
The MIT Press, 1991
Computational logic and set theory: Applying formalized logic to analysis
JT Schwartz, D Cantone, EG Omodeo
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Decision procedures for elementary sublanguages of set theory. II. Formulas involving restricted quantifiers, together with ordinal, integer, map, and domain notions
M Breban, A Ferro, EG Omodeo, JT Schwartz
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 34 (2), 177-195, 1981
The automation of syllogistic: II. Optimization and complexity issues
D Cantone, EG Omodeo, A Policriti
Journal of Automated Reasoning 6, 173-187, 1990
Decision procedures for some fragments of set theory
A Ferro, EG Omodeo, JT Schwartz
International Conference on Automated Deduction, 88-96, 1980
A ‘Theory’mechanism for a proof-verifier based on first-order set theory
EG Omodeo, JT Schwartz
Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond: Essays in Honour of …, 2002
A computerized referee
EG Omodeo, D Cantone, A Policriti, JT Schwartz
Reasoning, Action and Interaction in AI Theories and Systems: Essays …, 2006
Notes from the logbook of a proof-checker’s project
D Cantone, EG Omodeo, JT Schwartz, P Ursino
Verification: Theory and Practice: Essays Dedicated to Zohar Manna on the …, 2003
Solvable set/hyperset contexts: I. Some decision procedures for the pure, finite case
EG Omodeo, A Policriti
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 48 (9), 1123-1155, 1995
Embedding finite sets in a logic programming language
A Dovier, EG Omodeo, E Pontelli, G Rossi
Extensions of Logic Programming: Third International Workshop, ELP'92 …, 1993
Decidability of∀*∀‐Sentences in Membership Theories
EG Omodeo, F Parlamento, A Policriti
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1), 41-58, 1996
Set graphs. III. Proof Pearl: Claw-free graphs mirrored into transitive hereditarily finite sets
EG Omodeo, AI Tomescu
Journal of automated reasoning 52, 1-29, 2014
Decision algorithms for some fragments of analysis and related areas
D Cantone, A Ferro, E Omodeo, JT Schwartz
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 40 (3), 281-300, 1987
An efficient validity test for formulae in extensional two-level syllogistic
A Ferro, EG Omodeo
Le Matematiche 33 (1), 130-137, 1978
Formative processes with applications to the decision problem in set theory: I. Powerset and singleton operators
D Cantone, P Ursino, EG Omodeo
Information and Computation 172 (2), 165-201, 2002
An equational re-engineering of set theories
A Formisano, E Omodeo
International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving, 175-190, 1998
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Articles 1–20