Sneha Roy
Sneha Roy
University of Kentucky, Cambridge Systematics, Iowa State University
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Do transportation network companies decrease or increase congestion?
GD Erhardt, S Roy, D Cooper, B Sana, M Chen, J Castiglione
Science advances 5 (5), eaau2670, 2019
TNCs & congestion
J Castiglione, D Cooper, B Sana, D Tischler, T Chang, GD Erhardt, S Roy, ...
Why is traffic congestion getting worse? A decomposition of the contributors to growing congestion in San Francisco-Determining the Role of TNCs
S Roy, D Cooper, A Mucci, B Sana, M Chen, J Castiglione, GD Erhardt
Case Studies on Transport Policy 8 (4), 1371-1382, 2020
State-level comparison of traffic fatality data in consideration of marijuana laws
R Hamzeie, I Thompson, S Roy, PT Savolainen
Transportation research record 2660 (1), 78-85, 2017
Do transportation network companies decrease or increase congestion? Sci. Adv. 5 (5), eaau2670
GD Erhardt, S Roy, D Cooper, B Sana, M Chen, J Castiglione
Evolution of transportation network companies and taxis through 2013–2018 in Chicago
S Roy, A Komanduri, K Proussaloglou
Transportation Research Record 2674 (7), 385-397, 2020
Quantifying the impact of transportation network companies (TNCs) on traffic congestion in San Francisco
S Roy
Modeling demographic relocation in response to climate risk factors and gentrification displacement pressures
S Roy, P Vinayak, D Von Stroh
Transportation research record 2676 (1), 688-703, 2022
The effect of transportation network companies (TNCs) on Congestion in San Francisco
J Castiglione, S Roy, D Cooper, B Sana, M Chen, GD Erhardt
Transportation Research Board 98th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2019
Setting Work Zone Speed Limits
A Sharma, T Huang, S Roy, P Savolainen
Why is Traffic Congestion Getting Worse? A Quantified Decomposition of Contributors to the Growing Congestion in San Francisco
S Roy, D Cooper, R Mucci, B Sana, M Chen, J Castiglione, G Erhardt
Transportation Research Board 100th Annual MeetingTransportation Research …, 2021
Determining optimum speed limit reduction in freeway work zones
S Roy
Iowa State University, 2016
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