Kasper Johansen
Cited by
Cited by
Reframing landscape fragmentation’s effects on ecosystem services
RJ Matthew Mitchell, Andres Suarez-Castro, Maria Martinez-Harms, Martine ...
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 30 (4), 190-198, 2015
Application of high spatial resolution satellite imagery for riparian and forest ecosystem classification
K Johansen, NC Coops, SE Gergel, Y Stange
Remote sensing of Environment 110 (1), 29-44, 2007
Current practices in UAS-based environmental monitoring
G Tmušić, S Manfreda, H Aasen, MR James, G Gonçalves, E Ben-Dor, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (6), 1001, 2020
Object-based approach for multi-scale mangrove composition mapping using multi-resolution image datasets
M Kamal, S Phinn, K Johansen
Remote Sensing 7 (4), 4753-4783, 2015
Mapping woody vegetation clearing in Queensland, Australia from Landsat imagery using the Google Earth Engine
K Johansen, S Phinn, M Taylor
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 1, 36-49, 2015
Mapping structural parameters and species composition of riparian vegetation using IKONOS and Landsat ETM+ data in Australian tropical savannahs
K Johansen, S Phinn
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 72 (1), 71-80, 2006
Blending Landsat and MODIS data to generate multispectral indices: A comparison of “Index-then-Blend” and “Blend-then-Index” approaches
AA Jarihani, TR McVicar, TG Van Niel, IV Emelyanova, JN Callow, ...
Remote Sensing 6 (10), 9213-9238, 2014
The relationship of spatial–temporal changes in fringe mangrove extent and adjacent land-use: Case study of Kien Giang coast, Vietnam
HH Nguyen, C McAlpine, D Pullar, K Johansen, NC Duke
Ocean & coastal management 76, 12-22, 2013
Evaluation of multiple satellite altimetry data for studying inland water bodies and river floods
AA Jarihani, JN Callow, K Johansen, B Gouweleeuw
Journal of Hydrology 505, 78-90, 2013
Integration of LiDAR and QuickBird imagery for mapping riparian biophysical parameters and land cover types in Australian tropical savannas
LA Arroyo, K Johansen, J Armston, S Phinn
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (3), 598-606, 2010
Using multi-spectral UAV imagery to extract tree crop structural properties and assess pruning effects
K Johansen, T Raharjo, MF McCabe
Remote Sensing 10 (6), 854, 2018
Mapping of riparian zone attributes using discrete return LiDAR, QuickBird and SPOT-5 imagery: Assessing accuracy and costs
K Johansen, S Phinn, C Witte
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (11), 2679-2691, 2010
Comparison of geo-object based and pixel-based change detection of riparian environments using high spatial resolution multi-spectral imagery
K Johansen, LA Arroyo, S Phinn, C Witte
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 76 (2), 123-136, 2010
Optimising drone flight planning for measuring horticultural tree crop structure
YH Tu, S Phinn, K Johansen, A Robson, D Wu
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 160, 83-96, 2020
A new source for high spatial resolution night time images—The EROS-B commercial satellite
N Levin, K Johansen, JM Hacker, S Phinn
Remote Sensing of Environment 149, 1-12, 2014
Assessment of multi-resolution image data for mangrove leaf area index mapping
M Kamal, S Phinn, K Johansen
Remote Sensing of Environment 176, 242-254, 2016
Assessing radiometric correction approaches for multi-spectral UAS imagery for horticultural applications
YH Tu, S Phinn, K Johansen, A Robson
Remote Sensing 10 (11), 1684, 2018
Mapping riparian condition indicators in a sub-tropical savanna environment from discrete return LiDAR data using object-based image analysis
K Johansen, LA Arroyo, J Armston, S Phinn, C Witte
Ecological Indicators 10 (4), 796-807, 2010
What is the value of a good map? An example using high spatial resolution imagery to aid riparian restoration
SE Gergel, Y Stange, NC Coops, K Johansen, KR Kirby
Ecosystems 10, 688-702, 2007
Predicting biomass and yield in a tomato phenotyping experiment using UAV imagery and random forest
K Johansen, MJL Morton, Y Malbeteau, B Aragon, S Al-Mashharawi, ...
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 3, 28, 2020
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Articles 1–20