Joshua Swift
Joshua Swift
Professor, Psychology Department, Idaho State University
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Premature discontinuation in adult psychotherapy: a meta-analysis.
JK Swift, RP Greenberg
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 80 (4), 547, 2012
Meta-analysis of dropout from cognitive behavioral therapy: Magnitude, timing, and moderators.
E Fernandez, D Salem, JK Swift, N Ramtahal
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 83 (6), 1108, 2015
The impact of client treatment preferences on outcome: A meta‐analysis
JK Swift, JL Callahan
Journal of clinical psychology 65 (4), 368-381, 2009
JK Swift, JL Callahan, BM Vollmer
Journal of clinical psychology 67 (2), 155-165, 2011
Psychotherapy Process and Outcome Research
KA Tompkins, JK Swift
The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology, 2015
The impact of accommodating client preference in psychotherapy: A meta‐analysis
JK Swift, JL Callahan, M Cooper, SR Parkin
Journal of clinical psychology 74 (11), 1924-1937, 2018
A Treatment by Disorder Meta-Analysis of Dropout in Psychotherapy
JK Swift, RP Greenberg
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration 24 (3), 193-207, 2014
Practice recommendations for reducing premature termination in therapy.
JK Swift, RP Greenberg, JL Whipple, N Kominiak
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 43 (4), 379, 2012
The efficacy of self-care for graduate students in professional psychology: A meta-analysis.
DE Colman, R Echon, MS Lemay, J McDonald, KR Smith, J Spencer, ...
Training and Education in Professional Psychology 10 (4), 188, 2016
The role of stigma and referral source in predicting college student-athletes’ attitudes toward psychological help-seeking
RS Wahto, JK Swift, JL Whipple
Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology 10 (2), 85-98, 2016
Treatment Refusal and Premature Termination in Psychotherapy, Pharmacotherapy, and Their Combination: A Meta-analysis of head-to-head comparisons
J Swift, K Greenberg, Roger, Tompkins, S Parkin
Psychotherapy 54 (1), 47-57, 2017
Who matters most? The contribution of faculty, student-peers, and outside support in predicting graduate student satisfaction.
KA Tompkins, K Brecht, B Tucker, LL Neander, JK Swift
Training and Education in Professional Psychology 10 (2), 102, 2016
Exploring the contribution of supervisors to intervention outcomes.
JL Callahan, CM Almstrom, JK Swift, SE Borja, CJ Heath
Training and Education in Professional Psychology 3 (2), 72, 2009
Using clinically significant change to identify premature termination.
JK Swift, J Callahan, JC Levine
Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 46 (3), 328, 2009
Premature termination in psychotherapy: Strategies for engaging clients and improving outcomes.
JK Swift, RP Greenberg
American Psychological Association, 2015
Decreasing treatment dropout by addressing expectations for treatment length
JK Swift, JL Callahan
Psychotherapy Research 21 (2), 193-200, 2011
Effects of pre-session centering for therapists on session presence and effectiveness
R Dunn, JL Callahan, JK Swift, M Ivanovic
Psychotherapy Research 23 (1), 78-85, 2013
Supervisor variance in psychotherapy outcome in routine practice
TG Rousmaniere, JK Swift, R Babins-Wagner, JL Whipple, S Berzins
Psychotherapy Research 26 (2), 196-205, 2016
A comparison of client preferences for intervention empirical support versus common therapy variables
JK Swift, JL Callahan
Journal of Clinical Psychology 66 (12), 1217-1231, 2010
Further examination of the psychotherapy preference effect: a meta-regression analysis.
JK Swift, JL Callahan, M Ivanovic, N Kominiak
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration 23 (2), 134, 2013
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Articles 1–20