Claudio Tortorici
Claudio Tortorici
Senior Researcher, Technology Innovation Institute
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Cited by
Boosting 3D LBP-based face recognition by fusing shape and texture descriptors on the mesh
N Werghi, C Tortorici, S Berretti, A Del Bimbo
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11 (5), 964-979, 2016
Local binary patterns on triangular meshes: Concept and applications
N Werghi, C Tortorici, S Berretti, A Del Bimbo
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 139, 161-177, 2015
Representing 3D texture on mesh manifolds for retrieval and recognition applications
N Werghi, C Tortorici, S Berretti, A Del Bimbo
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2015
SHREC'18 track: Recognition of geometric patterns over 3D models
S Biasotti, EM Thompson, L Barthe, S Berretti, A Giachetti, T Lejemble, ...
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR 2018), 2018
Adaptive estimation of UAV altitude in complex indoor environments using degraded and time-delayed measurements with time-varying uncertainties
V Pritzl, M Vrba, C Tortorici, R Ashour, M Saska
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 160, 104315, 2023
SHREC 2020: Retrieval of digital surfaces with similar geometric reliefs
EM Thompson, S Biasotti, A Giachetti, C Tortorici, N Werghi, AS Obeid, ...
Computers & Graphics 91, 199-218, 2020
Boosting 3D LBP-based face recognition by fusing shape and texture descriptors on the mesh
C Tortorici, N Werghi, S Berretti
2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2670-2674, 2015
Convolution operations for relief-pattern retrieval, segmentation and classification on mesh manifolds
C Tortorici, S Berretti, A Obeid, N Werghi
Pattern Recognition Letters 142, 32-38, 2021
SHREC'18 track: Retrieval of gray patterns depicted on 3D models
EM Thompson, C Tortorici, N Werghi, S Berretti, S Velasco-Forero, ...
Eurographics workshop on 3D object retrieval, 2018
Extending LBP and Convolution-Like Operations on the Mesh
C Tortorici, N Werghi, S Berretti
2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4479-4483, 2019
Learning graph-based features for relief patterns classification on mesh manifolds
N Guiducci, C Tortorici, C Ferrari, S Berretti
Computers & Graphics 115, 69-80, 2023
CSIOR: Circle-surface intersection ordered resampling
C Tortorici, MK Riahi, S Berretti, N Werghi
Computer Aided Geometric Design 79, 101837, 2020
Facial landmarks detection using 3D constrained local model on mesh manifold
MC El Rai, C Tortorici, H Al-Muhairi, N Werghi, M Linguraru
2016 IEEE 59th International Midwest symposium on circuits and systems …, 2016
Representing and analyzing relief patterns using LBP variants on mesh manifold
C Tortorici, N Werghi, S Berretti
Pattern Analysis and Applications 24 (2), 557-573, 2021
Computing local binary patterns on mesh manifolds for 3D texture retrieval
N Werghi, C Tortorici, S Berretti, A Del Bimbo
Proceedings of the 2015 Eurographics workshop on 3D object retrieval, 91-94, 2015
Defining mesh-LBP variants for 3D relief patterns classification
C Tortorici, N Werghi, S Berretti
Representations, Analysis and Recognition of Shape and Motion from Imaging …, 2019
Landmarks detection on 3D face scans using local histogram descriptors
MC El Rai, C Tortorici, H Al-Muhairi, H Al Safar, N Werghi
2016 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON), 1-5, 2016
Landmark detection from 3d mesh facial models for image-based analysis of dysmorphology
M Chendeb, C Tortorici, H AlMuhairi, H AlSafar, M Linguraru, N Werghi
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Performing Image-like Convolution on Triangular Meshes.
C Tortorici, N Werghi, S Berretti
3DOR@ Eurographics, 111-114, 2018
Vision-Based Topological Localization for MAVs
S Felicioni, BM Rizzo, C Tortorici, G Costante
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2023
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Articles 1–20