Ahmet Sınak
Ahmet Sınak
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Akdeniz University,
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Several classes of minimal linear codes with few weights from weakly regular plateaued functions
S Mesnager, A Sınak
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 66 (4), 2296-2310, 2019
Linear codes from weakly regular plateaued functions and their secret sharing schemes
S Mesnager, F Özbudak, A Sınak
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 87 (2), 463-480, 2019
Minimal linear codes from weakly regular plateaued balanced functions
A Sınak
Discrete Mathematics 344 (3), 112215, 2021
Results on characterizations of plateaued functions in arbitrary characteristic
S Mesnager, F Özbudak, A Sınak
International Conference on Cryptography and Information Security in the …, 2015
Threshold-based post-quantum secure verifiable multi-secret sharing for distributed storage blockchain
S Mesnager, A Sınak, O Yayla
Mathematics 8 (12), 2218, 2020
On the p-ary (cubic) bent and plateaued (vectorial) functions
S Mesnager, F Özbudak, A Sınak
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 86, 1865-1892, 2018
Construction of minimal linear codes with few weights from weakly regular plateaued functions
A Sinak
Turkish Journal of Mathematics 46 (3), 953-972, 2022
Minimal linear codes with few weights and their secret sharing
S Mesnager, A Sınak, O Yayla
International Journal of Information Security Science 8 (4), 77-87, 2019
On q-ary plateaued functions over Fq and their explicit characterizations
S Mesnager, F Özbudak, A Sınak, G Cohen
European Journal of Combinatorics 80, 71-81, 2019
A new class of three-weight linear codes from weakly regular plateaued functions
S Mesnager, F Özbudak, A Sınak
Proceedings of The Tenth International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography …, 2017
Explicit Characterizations for Plateaued-ness of p-ary (Vectorial) Functions
C Carlet, S Mesnager, F Özbudak, A Sınak
Codes, Cryptology and Information Security: Second International Conference …, 2017
Infinite classes of six-weight linear codes derived from weakly regular plateaued functions
S Mesnager, A Sınak
2020 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology …, 2020
On verification of restricted extended affine equivalence of vectorial boolean functions
F Özbudak, A Sınak, O Yayla
Arithmetic of Finite Fields: 5th International Workshop, WAIFI 2014, Gebze …, 2015
Minimal linear codes with six-weights based on weakly regular plateaued balanced functions
A Sınak
International Journal of Information Security Science 10 (3), 86-98, 2021
Secondary constructions of (non)-weakly regular plateaued functions over finite fields
S Mesnager, F Özbudak, A Sinak
Turkish Journal of Mathematics 45 (5), 2295-2306, 2021
Characterizations of plateaued functions in arbitrary characteristic
AS Sihem Mesnager, Ferruh Özbudak
Proceedings of The International Conference on Coding theory and …, 2015
Strongly Regular Graphs from Weakly Regular Plateaued Functions*
S Mesnager, A Sınak
2019 Ninth International Workshop on Signal Design and its Applications in …, 2019
Characterizations of partially bent and plateaued functions over finite fields
S Mesnager, F Özbudak, A Sınak
International Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields, 224-241, 2018
End-2-End Verifiable Internet Voting Protocol Based on Homomorphic Encryption
MSK Ahmet Sınak, Seçil Ozkan, Hakan Yıldırım
International Journal of Information Security Science 3 (2), 165-181, 2014
Minimal linear codes derived from weakly regular bent and plateaued functions
S Mesnager, A Sınak
Journal of Algebra and its Applications 23 (07), 2550077, 2024
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Articles 1–20