Xiang Li
Cited by
Cited by
Pinning a complex dynamical network to its equilibrium
X Li, X Wang, G Chen
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 51 (10), 2074-2087, 2004
汪小帆, 李翔, 陈关荣
清华大学出版社有限公司, 2006
A local-world evolving network model
X Li, G Chen
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 328 (1-2), 274-286, 2003
A Facile One-Pot Synthesis of a Two-Dimensional MoS2/Bi2S3 Composite Theranostic Nanosystem for Multi-Modality Tumor Imaging and Therapy.
S Wang, X Li, Y Chen, X Cai, H Yao, W Gao, Y Zheng, X An, J Shi, ...
Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 27 (17), 2775-2782, 2015
Roles of mixing patterns in cooperation on a scale-free networked game
Z Rong, X Li, X Wang
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (2 …, 2007
Drug nanocrystals: in vivo performances
L Gao, G Liu, J Ma, X Wang, L Zhou, X Li
Journal of controlled release 160 (3), 418-430, 2012
Synchronization and desynchronization of complex dynamical networks: an engineering viewpoint
X Li, G Chen
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2003
Complex network theory and its application
XF Wang, X Li, GR Chen
Beijing: Qing Hua University Publication, 2006
Complexity and synchronization of the world trade web
X Li, YY Jin, G Chen
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 328 (1-2), 287-296, 2003
Injectable 2D MoS2‐Integrated Drug Delivering Implant for Highly Efficient NIR‐Triggered Synergistic Tumor Hyperthermia
S Wang, Y Chen, X Li, W Gao, L Zhang, J Liu, Y Zheng, H Chen, J Shi
Advanced materials 27 (44), 7117-7122, 2015
Explore spatiotemporal and demographic characteristics of human mobility via Twitter: A case study of Chicago
F Luo, G Cao, K Mulligan, X Li
Applied Geography 70, 11-25, 2016
Application of drug nanocrystal technologies on oral drug delivery of poorly soluble drugs
L Gao, G Liu, J Ma, X Wang, L Zhou, X Li, F Wang
Pharmaceutical research 30, 307-324, 2013
Fundamentals of complex networks: models, structures and dynamics
G Chen, X Wang, X Li
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Insights into atrazine degradation by persulfate activation using composite of nanoscale zero-valent iron and graphene: performances and mechanisms
S Wu, H He, X Li, C Yang, G Zeng, B Wu, S He, L Lu
Chemical Engineering Journal 341, 126-136, 2018
Spatial epidemiology of networked metapopulation: An overview
L Wang, X Li
Chinese Science Bulletin 59, 3511-3522, 2014
Introduction to complex networks: models, structures and dynamics
G Chen, X Wang, X Li
Higher Education Press, 2012
Network science: an introduction
XF Wang, X Li, GR Chen
Beijing: Higher Education Press 4, 95-142, 2012
Activatable semiconducting theranostics: simultaneous generation and ratiometric photoacoustic imaging of reactive oxygen species in vivo
Z Yang, Y Dai, C Yin, Q Fan, W Zhang, J Song, G Yu, W Tang, W Fan, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (23), 1707509, 2018
“Dual Lock‐and‐Key”‐Controlled Nanoprobes for Ultrahigh Specific Fluorescence Imaging in the Second Near‐Infrared Window
Y Tang, Y Li, X Hu, H Zhao, Y Ji, L Chen, W Hu, W Zhang, X Li, X Lu, ...
Advanced materials 30 (31), 1801140, 2018
汪小帆, 李翔
高等教育出版社, 2012
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Articles 1–20