Farhana Bashar
Farhana Bashar
School of Engineering & IT, UNSW Canberra @ ADFA
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Cited by
Dimensionality of spatio-temporal broadband signals observed over finite spatial and temporal windows
F Bashar, TD Abhayapala, SMA Salehin
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (10), 6758-6770, 2016
Multi-carrier channeled polarimetry for photoelastic modulator systems
AS Alenin, F Bashar, ME Gehm, JS Tyo
Optics Letters 43 (23), 5789-5792, 2018
Analysis of degrees of freedom of wideband random multipath fields observed over time and space windows
F Bashar, SMA Salehin, TD Abhayapala
2014 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), 45-48, 2014
Degrees of freedom of band limited signals measured over space
F Bashar, TD Abhayapala
2012 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies …, 2012
Improving performance of PEM-based partial Mueller matrix polarimeters
F Bashar, J Kurtz, AS Alenin, JS Tyo
Polarization Science and Remote Sensing IX 11132, 98-105, 2019
Performance analysis of spatially distributed MIMO systems
F Bashar, TD Abhayapala
IET Communications 11 (4), 566-575, 2017
Outage probability of spatially diverse multi-source multi-relay multi-user two-hop relay networks
F Bashar, N Aboutorab
ICC 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2020
Outage probability analysis for communication between spatial regions
F Bashar, TD Abhayapala
2016 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication …, 2016
On bandwidth of broadband wavefields observed over spatial regions
F Bashar, TD Abhayapala, SMA Salehin
2016 Australian Communications Theory Workshop (AusCTW), 41-46, 2016
Mutual information of broadband channels observed over finite spatial regions
F Bashar, TD Abhayapala
2016 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication …, 2016
Capacity of band limited wavefields observed over finite spatial and temporal windows
F Bashar, TD Abhayapala, SMA Salehin
2014 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication …, 2014
Mixed channels in PEM-based Mueller matrix polarimeters (Conference Presentation)
AS Alenin, F Bashar, JS Tyo
Polarization Science and Remote Sensing IX 11132, 111320F, 2019
Information Theoretic Limits for Wireless Information Trnasfer Between Finite Spatial Regions
F Bashar
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Articles 1–13