Cecília de Freitas Morais
Cecília de Freitas Morais
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Cited by
Ricardo CLF Oliveira
CF Morais, JM Palma, ES Tognetti, RA Borges
Education 2006, 2003
2 control of discrete‐time Markov jump linear systems with uncertain transition probability matrix: improved linear matrix inequality relaxations and multi‐simplex …
CF Morais, MF Braga, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
IET Control Theory & Applications 7 (12), 1665-1674, 2013
Robust state feedback control for discrete-time linear systems via LMIs with a scalar parameter
CF Morais, MF Braga, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
2013 American Control Conference, 3870-3875, 2013
Discretization and event triggered digital output feedback control of LPV systems
MF Braga, CF Morais, ES Tognetti, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
Systems & Control Letters 86, 54-65, 2015
Socialização da força de trabalho: instrução popular e qualificação profissional no Estado de São Paulo, 1873 a 1934
CSV Moraes, BJ Sallum Júnior
New robust LMI synthesis conditions for mixed gain‐scheduled reduced‐order DOF control of discrete‐time LPV systems
TE Rosa, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 28 (18), 6122-6145, 2018
and control design for polytopic continuous‐time Markov jump linear systems with uncertain transition rates
CF Morais, MF Braga, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 26 (3), 599-612, 2016
A new procedure for discretization and state feedback control of uncertain linear systems
MF Braga, CF Morais, ES Tognetti, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
52nd IEEE conference on decision and control, 6397-6402, 2013
An LMI approach for H2 and H∞ reduced-order filtering of uncertain discrete-time Markov and Bernoulli jump linear systems
CF Morais, JM Palma, PLD Peres, RCLF Oliveira
Automatica 95, 463-471, 2018
ℋ∞ state feedback control for MJLS with uncertain probabilities
CF Morais, MF Braga, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
Automatica 52, 317-321, 2015
Discretisation and control of polytopic systems with uncertain sampling rates and network-induced delays
MF Braga, CF Morais, ES Tognetti, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
International Journal of Control 87 (11), 2398-2411, 2014
Reduced-order dynamic output feedback control of uncertain discrete-time Markov jump linear systems
CF Morais, MF Braga, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
International Journal of Control 90 (11), 2368-2383, 2017
and filter design for polytopic continuous‐time Markov jump linear systems with uncertain transition rates
CF Morais, MF Braga, MJ Lacerda, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 29 (10 …, 2015
Robust stability and stabilization of discrete-time Markov jump linear systems with partly unknown transition probability matrix
MF Braga, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
2013 American Control Conference, 6784-6789, 2013
static output feedback control of discrete-time Markov jump linear systems with uncertain transition probability matrix
CF Morais, MF Braga, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
2014 American Control Conference, 489-494, 2014
A less conservative approach to handle time‐varying parameters in discrete‐time linear parameter‐varying systems with applications in networked control systems
JM Palma, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30 (9), 3521-3546, 2020
H2 control and filtering of discrete-time LPV systems exploring statistical information of the time-varying parameters
JM Palma, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (6), 3835-3864, 2020
gain-scheduled filtering for discrete-time LPV systems using estimated time-varying parameters
JM Palma, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 4367-4372, 2018
H∞ output-feedback gain-scheduled control for discrete-time linear systems affected by time-varying parameters
TE Rosa, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 8618-8623, 2017
Stabilization and Static Output-Feedback Control of Discrete-Time Positive Linear Systems
A Spagolla, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (3), 1446-1452, 2021
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Articles 1–20