Jaime Arias
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Cited by
Hackers vs. security: attack-defence trees as asynchronous multi-agent systems
J Arias, CE Budde, W Penczek, L Petrucci, T Sidoruk, M Stoelinga
International conference on formal engineering methods, 3-19, 2020
Iterative bounded synthesis for efficient cycle detection in parametric timed automata
É André, J Arias, L Petrucci, J Pol
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2021
Modelling data processing for interactive scores using coloured petri nets
J Arias, M Desainte-Catherine, C Rueda
2014 14th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System …, 2014
Rewriting logic semantics and symbolic analysis for parametric timed automata
J Arias, K Bae, C Olarte, PC Ölveczky, L Petrucci, F Rřmming
Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Formal …, 2022
Executing hierarchical interactive scores in ReactiveML
J Arias, M Desainte-Catherine, S Salvati, C Rueda
Journées d'Informatique Musicale 2014, 2014
Symbolic analysis and parameter synthesis for time Petri nets using Maude and SMT solving
J Arias, K Bae, C Olarte, PC Ölveczky, L Petrucci, F Rřmming
International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and …, 2023
Strategic (timed) computation tree logic
J Arias, W Jamroga, W Penczek, L Petrucci, T Sidoruk
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.13405, 2023
Symbolic analysis and parameter synthesis for networks of parametric timed automata with global variables using Maude and SMT solving
J Arias, K Bae, C Olarte, PC Ölveczky, L Petrucci, F Rřmming
Science of Computer Programming 233, 103074, 2024
Session-based concurrency, reactively
M Cano, J Arias, JA Pérez
International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects …, 2017
Automatic construction of interactive machine improvisation scenarios from audio recordings
J Arias, M Desainte-Catherine, S Dubnov
MUME 2016-4th International Workshop on Musical Metacreation, 1-7, 2016
A framework for composition, verification and real-time performance of multimedia interactive scenarios
J Arias, M Desainte-Catherine, C Rueda
2015 15th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System …, 2015
Minimal schedule with minimal number of agents in attack-defence trees
J Arias, L Petrucci, Ł Maśko, W Penczek, T Sidoruk
2022 26th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer …, 2022
Hybrid parallel model checking of hybrid LTL on hybrid state space representation
K Klai, CA Abid, J Arias, S Evangelista
International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and …, 2021
ADT2AMAS: Managing agents in attack-defence scenarios
J Arias, W Penczek, L Petrucci, T Sidoruk
AAMAS'21: 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2021
Timed automata for video games and interaction
J Arias, R Marczak, M Desainte-Catherine
Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games, 2019
Authoring and automatic verification of interactive multimedia scores
J Arias, JM Celerier, M Desainte-Catherine
Journal of New Music Research 46 (1), 15-33, 2017
Foundations for reliable and flexible interactive multimedia scores
J Arias, M Desainte-Catherine, C Olarte, C Rueda
International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music, 29-41, 2015
SOG-based multi-core LTL model checking
CA Abid, KKK Klai, J Arias, H Ouni
2020 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications …, 2020
PyHRF: a python library for the analysis of fMRI data based on local estimation of the hemodynamic response function
J Arias, P Ciuciu, M Dojat, F Forbes, A Frau-Pascual, T Perret, ...
16th Python in Science Conference (SciPy 2017), 34-40, 2017
Formal semantics and automatic verification of hierarchical multimedia scenarios with interactive choices
JEA Almeida
Université de Bordeaux, 2015
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Articles 1–20