Victor Camp
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Cited by
Pan-African microplate accretion of the Arabian Shield
DB Stoeser, VE Camp
Geological Society of America Bulletin 96 (7), 817-826, 1985
The Sistan suture zone of eastern Iran
R Tirrul, IR Bell, RJ Griffis, VE Camp
Geological Society of America Bulletin 94 (1), 134-150, 1983
Upwelling asthenosphere beneath western Arabia and its regional implications
VE Camp, MJ Roobol
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 97 (B11), 15255-15271, 1992
Character, genesis and tectonic setting of igneous rocks in the Sistan suture zone, eastern Iran
VE Camp, RJ Griffis
Lithos 15 (3), 221-239, 1982
Mantle dynamics and genesis of mafic magmatism in the intermontane Pacific Northwest
VE Camp, ME Ross
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 109 (B8), 2004
The Arabian continental alkali basalt province: part I. evolution of Harrat Rahat, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
VE Camp, MJ Roobol
Geological Society of America Bulletin 101 (1), 71-95, 1989
The Grande Ronde Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Group
SP Reidel, TL Tolan, VE Camp, ME Ross, JA Wolff, BS Martin, RE Wells
The Columbia River Flood Basalt Province: Geological Society of America …, 2013
The Columbia River flood basalt province: Stratigraphy, areal extent, volume, and physical volcanology
SP Reidel, VE Camp, TL Tolan, BS Martin, ME Ross, JA Wolff, RE Wells
The Columbia River flood basalt province: geological society of America …, 2013
The Madinah eruption, Saudi Arabia: magma mixing and simultaneous extrusion of three basaltic chemical types
VE Camp, PR Hooper, MJ Roobol, DL White
Bulletin of volcanology 49, 489-508, 1987
The Arabian continental alkali basalt province: Part II. Evolution of Harrats Khaybar, Ithnayn, and Kura, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
VE Camp, MJ Roobol, PR Hooper
Geological Society of America Bulletin 103 (3), 363-391, 1991
Genesis of flood basalts and Basin and Range volcanic rocks from Steens Mountain to the Malheur River Gorge, Oregon
VE Camp, ME Ross, WE Hanson
Geological Society of America Bulletin 115 (1), 105-128, 2003
Island arcs and their role in the evolution of the western Arabian Shield
VE Camp
Geological Society of America Bulletin 95 (8), 913-921, 1984
The origin of the Columbia River flood basalt province: Plume versus nonplume models
PR Hooper, VE Camp, SP Reidel, ME Ross
Mid-Miocene propagation of the Yellowstone mantle plume head beneath the Columbia River basalt source region
VE Camp
Geology 23 (5), 435-438, 1995
A plume-triggered delamination origin for the Columbia River Basalt Group
VE Camp, BB Hanan
Geosphere 4 (3), 480-495, 2008
Eruption chronology of the Columbia River Basalt Group
TL Barry, SP Kelley, SP Reidel, VE Camp, S Self, NA Jarboe, RA Duncan, ...
The Columbia River Flood Basalt Province: Geological Society of America …, 2013
The Arabian continental alkali basalt province: Part III. Evolution of Harrat Kishb, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
VE Camp, MJ Roobol, PR Hooper
Geological Society of America Bulletin 104 (4), 379-396, 1992
Reconnaissance geologic map of the Columbia River Basalt Group, northern Oregon and western Idaho
DA Swanson, JL Anderson, VE Camp, PR Hooper, WH Taubeneck, ...
Open-File Report, 1981
Reconnaissance geologic map of the Columbia River basalt group, Pullman and Walla Walla Quadrangles, southeast Washington and adjacent Idaho
DA Swanson, TL Wright, VE Camp, JN Gardner, RT Helz, SA Price, ...
Open-File Report, 1977
The Columbia River Flood Basalt Province
SP Reidel, VE Camp, ME Ross, JA Wolff, BS Martin, TL Tolan, RE Wells
Geological Society of America, 2013
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