Ignacio Silva-Lepe
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Cited by
Adaptive object-oriented programming using graph-based customization
KJ Lieberherr, I Silva-Lepe, C Xiao
Communications of the ACM 37 (5), 94-101, 1994
Mechanism for delivering messages to competing consumers in a point-to-point system
MC Astley, ADJ Banks, SK Bhola, I Silva-Lepe, MJ Ward, D Ware
US Patent 7,525,964, 2009
From objects to classes: Algorithms for optimal object-oriented design
KJ Lieberherr, P Bergstein, I Silva-Lepe
Software Engineering Journal 6 (4), 205-228, 1991
Prediction-based provisioning planning for cloud environments
RP Akolkar, A Iyengar, M Shicong, I Rouvellou, I Silva-Lepe
US Patent 9,413,619, 2016
Combining quality of service and social information for ranking services
Q Wu, A Iyengar, R Subramanian, I Rouvellou, I Silva-Lepe, T Mikalsen
Service-Oriented Computing: 7th International Joint Conference, ICSOC …, 2009
Prediction-based provisioning planning for cloud environments
RP Akolkar, A Iyengar, M Shicong, I Rouvellou, I Silva-Lepe
US Patent 9,363,154, 2016
Ranking services by service network structure and service attributes
Y Zhou, L Liu, CS Perng, A Sailer, I Silva-Lepe, Z Su
2013 IEEE 20th International Conference on Web Services, 26-33, 2013
Riding and thriving on the API hype cycle
M Vukovic, J Laredo, V Muthusamy, A Slominski, R Vaculin, W Tan, ...
Communications of the ACM 59 (3), 35-37, 2016
Abstraction of Object-Oriented Data Models.
KJ Lieberherr, PL Bergstein, I Silva-Lepe
ER, 81-94, 1990
Soalive service catalog: A simplified approach to describing, discovering and composing situational enterprise services
I Silva-Lepe, R Subramanian, I Rouvellou, T Mikalsen, J Diament, ...
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSOC 2008: 6th International Conference, Sydney …, 2008
Experience with a graph-based propagation programming tool
KJ Lieberherr, W Hursch, I Silva-Lepe, C Xiao
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software …, 1992
The future of service marketplaces in the cloud
R Akolkar, T Chefalas, J Laredo, CS Perng, A Sailer, F Schaffa, ...
2012 IEEE Eighth World Congress on Services, 262-269, 2012
Prediction-based provisioning planning for cloud environments
RP Akolkar, A Iyengar, M Shicong, I Rouvellou, I Silva-Lepe
US Patent 9,531,604, 2016
Continuous delivery of composite solutions: A case for collaborative software defined paas environments
P Austel, H Chen, T Mikalsen, I Rouvellou, U Sharma, I Silva-Lepe, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software-Defined Ecosystems …, 2015
Release and management of composite applications on PaaS
PK Austel, H Chen, TA Mikalsen, IM Rouvellou, U Sharma, I Silva-Lepe, ...
US Patent 9,705,973, 2017
On the integration of heterogeneous web service partners
F Curbera, I Silva-Lepe, S Weerawarana
Proceedings of the Workshop on Object-Oriented Web Services (OOPSLA ‘2001 …, 2001
Complex service network ranking and clustering
RP Akolkar, TE Chefalas, Y Jiang, JA Laredo, C Perng, A Sailer, ...
US Patent 9,576,048, 2017
CSM: a cloud service marketplace for complex service acquisition
Y Jiang, CS Perng, A Sailer, I Silva-Lepe, Y Zhou, T Li
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 8 (1), 1-25, 2016
Propagation patterns: Graph-based specifications of cooperative behavior
K Lieberherr, C Xiao, I Silva-Lepe
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, Tech. Rep. NU-CCS-91-14, 1991
On-boarding services to a cloud environment
RP Akolkar, PK Austel, TA Mikalsen, IM Rouvellou, A Segal, HH Shaikh, ...
US Patent 8,856,382, 2014
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20