J.M.M. Engels
J.M.M. Engels
Honorary Research Fellow
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Cited by
Crop wild relatives—undervalued, underutilized and under threat?
BV Ford-Lloyd, M Schmidt, SJ Armstrong, OZ Barazani, J Engels, ...
BioScience 61 (7), 559-565, 2011
Crop genetic erosion: understanding and responding to loss of crop diversity
CK Khoury, S Brush, DE Costich, HA Curry, S De Haan, JMM Engels, ...
New Phytologist 233 (1), 84-118, 2022
Ultra‐barcoding in cacao (Theobroma spp.; Malvaceae) using whole chloroplast genomes and nuclear ribosomal DNA
N Kane, S Sveinsson, H Dempewolf, JY Yang, D Zhang, JMM Engels, ...
American Journal of Botany 99 (2), 320-329, 2012
Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide
CK Khoury, HA Achicanoy, AD Bjorkman, C Navarro-Racines, L Guarino, ...
Proceedings of the royal society B: biological sciences 283 (1832), 20160792, 2016
A guide to effective management of germplasm collections
J Engels
Bioversity International, 2003
Technical guidelines for the management of field and in vitro germplasm collections
BM Reed
Bioversity International, 2004
Technologies and strategies for ex situ conservation.
F Engelmann, JMM Engels
12. Genetic characterization and its use in decision-making for the conservation of crop
MC de Vicente, FA Guzman, J Engels, VR Rao
The role of biotechnology in exploring and protecting agricultural genetic …, 2006
Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops
J Heller, F Begemann, J Mushonga
Physic nut, 1996
Born to eat wild: An integrated conservation approach to secure wild food plants for food security and nutrition
T Borelli, D Hunter, B Powell, T Ulian, E Mattana, C Termote, L Pawera, ...
Plants 9 (10), 1299, 2020
A review of factors that influence the production of quality seed for long-term conservation in genebanks
N Kameswara Rao, ME Dulloo, JMM Engels
Genetic resources and crop evolution 64, 1061-1074, 2017
Plant genetic resources of Ethiopia
J Engels, JG Hawkes, M Worede
Cambridge University Press, 1991
Home gardens-a genetic resources perspective.
J Engels
The effects of storing seeds under extremely dry conditions.
C Walters, J Engels
Cacao descriptors, their states and modus operandi
JMM Engels, BGD Bartley, GA Enríquez
CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 1980
Centres of crop diversity and/or origin, genetically modified crops and implications for plant genetic resources conservation
JMM Engels, AW Ebert, I Thormann, MC De Vicente
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 53, 1675-1688, 2006
A critical review of the current global ex situ conservation system for plant agrobiodiversity. I. History of the development of the global system in the context of the …
JMM Engels, AW Ebert
Plants 10 (8), 1557, 2021
Managing plant genetic diversity
VR Rao, AHD Brown, M Jackson
Cabi, 2001
Integrating genetic resource conservation and sustainable development into strategies to increase the robustness of seed systems
WS De Boef, H Dempewolf, JM Byakweli, JMM Engels
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 34 (5), 504-531, 2010
An introduction to plant germplasm exploration and collecting: planning, methods and procedures, follow-up
JMM Engels, RK Arora, L Guarino
Collecting plant genetic diversity. Technical guidelines. CAB International …, 1995
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Articles 1–20