Lorenzo Forni
Lorenzo Forni
Professor of Economics, University of Padua
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The general equilibrium effects of fiscal policy: Estimates for the euro area
L Forni, L Monteforte, L Sessa
Journal of Public economics 93 (3-4), 559-585, 2009
Inflation convergence and divergence within the European Monetary Union
F Busetti, L Forni, A Harvey, F Venditti
ECB Working Paper, 2006
Fiscal multipliers: Size, determinants, and use in macroeconomic projections
N Batini, L Eyraud, L Forni, A Weber
International Monetary Fund, 2014
The macroeconomics of fiscal consolidations in euro area countries
L Forni, A Gerali, M Pisani
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 34 (9), 1791-1812, 2010
Cyclical sensitivity of fiscal policies based on real-time data
L Forni, S Momigliano
Bank of Italy 50, 299-326, 2004
The mismatch between life insurance holdings and financial vulnerabilities: evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
BD Bernheim, L Forni, J Gokhale, LJ Kotlikoff
American Economic Review 93 (1), 354-365, 2003
Macroeconomic effects of greater competition in the service sector: the case of Italy
L Forni, A Gerali, M Pisani
Macroeconomic Dynamics 14 (5), 677-708, 2010
Fiscal rules to tame the political budget cycle: Evidence from Italian municipalities
A Bonfatti, L Forni
European Journal of Political Economy 60, 101800, 2019
Default in today's advanced economies: unnecessary, undesirable, and unlikely
C Cottarelli, L Forni, J Gottschalk, P Mauro
International Monetary Fund, 2010
Social security as Markov equilibrium in OLG models
L Forni
Review of Economic Dynamics 8 (1), 178-194, 2005
Climate-change adaptation: The role of fiscal policy
M Catalano, L Forni, E Pezzolla
Resource and Energy Economics 59, 101111, 2020
How much should Americans be saving for retirement?
BD Bernheim, L Forni, J Gokhale, LJ Kotlikoff
American Economic Review 90 (2), 288-292, 2000
Public Debt in Advanced Economies and its Spillover Effectson Long-Term Yields
ME Alper, L Forni
International Monetary Fund, 2011
Pricing of sovereign credit risk: Evidence from advanced economies during the financial crisis
CE Alper, L Forni, M Gerard
International Finance 16 (2), 161-188, 2013
The macroeconomics of fiscal consolidations in a monetary union: the case of Italy
L Forni, A Gerali, M Pisani
Bank of Italy Temi di Discussione (Working Paper) No 747, 2010
Employment in the public sector
L Forni, R Giordano
Available at SSRN 478242, 2003
Private and Public Debt: Are Emerging Markets at Risk?
M Bernardini, L Forni
International Monetary Fund, 2017
Sovereign debt restructuring and growth
L Forni, MG Palomba, MJ Pereira, CJ Richmond
International Monetary Fund, 2016
The adequacy of life insurance: Evidence from the health and retirement survey
BD Bernheim, L Forni, JJ Gokhale, LJ Kotlikoff
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1999
An early warning system for banking crises: From regression-based analysis to machine learning techniques
EJ Casabianca, M Catalano, L Forni, E Giarda, S Passeri
EconPapers. Orebro: Orebro University, 2019
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Articles 1–20