Harun Baraki
Cited by
Cited by
A resource oriented integration architecture for the Internet of Things: A business process perspective
K Dar, A Taherkordi, H Baraki, F Eliassen, K Geihs
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 20, 145-159, 2015
FRASAD: A framework for model-driven IoT Application Development
XT Nguyen, HT Tran, H Baraki, K Geihs
2015 IEEE 2nd world forum on internet of things (WF-IoT), 387-392, 2015
Heuristic approaches for qos-based service selection
D Comes, H Baraki, R Reichle, M Zapf, K Geihs
Service-Oriented Computing: 8th International Conference, ICSOC 2010, San …, 2010
Optimization of non-functional properties in Internet of Things applications
XT Nguyen, HT Tran, H Baraki, K Geihs
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 89, 120-129, 2017
From requirement to design patterns for ubiquitous computing applications
R Knote, H Baraki, M Söllner, K Geihs, JM Leimeister
Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs …, 2016
Towards interdisciplinary design patterns for ubiquitous computing aplications
H Baraki, K Geihs, A Hoffmann, C Voigtmann, R Kniewel, BE Macek, ...
kassel university press GmbH, 2014
A notification management architecture for service co-evolution in the internet of things
HT Tran, H Baraki, R Kuppili, A Taherkordi, K Geihs
2016 IEEE 10th International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of …, 2016
Interdisciplinary design patterns for socially aware computing
H Baraki, K Geihs, C Voigtmann, A Hoffmann, R Kniewel, BE Macek, ...
2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering 2 …, 2015
Context-aware prediction of qos and qoe properties for web services
H Baraki, D Comes, K Geihs
2013 Conference on Networked Systems, 102-109, 2013
Optimizing applications for mobile cloud computing through MOCCAA
H Baraki, A Jahl, S Jakob, C Schwarzbach, M Fax, K Geihs
Journal of Grid Computing 17 (4), 651-676, 2019
FRASAD: A framework for model-driven IoT application development. In 2015 IEEE 2nd world forum on internet of things (WF-IoT)
XT Nguyen, HT Tran, H Baraki, K Geihs
IEEE, 2015
Performance analysis of edge-fog-cloud architectures in the internet of things
K Geihs, H Baraki, A de la Oliva
2020 IEEE/ACM 13th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing …, 2020
Sam: A semantic-aware middleware for mobile cloud computing
H Baraki, C Schwarzbach, S Jakob, A Jahl, K Geihs
2018 IEEE 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 375-382, 2018
An approach towards a service co-evolution in the internet of things
HT Tran, H Baraki, K Geihs
Internet of Things. User-Centric IoT: First International Summit, IoT360 …, 2015
Handling semantic inconsistencies in commonsense knowledge for autonomous service robots
S Jakob, S Opfer, A Jahl, H Baraki, K Geihs
2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 136-140, 2020
Lifting low-level workflow changes through user-defined graph-rule-based patterns
A Jahl, H Baraki, HT Tran, R Kuppili, K Geihs
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 17th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2017
Generating Commonsense Ontologies with Answer Set Programming.
S Jakob, A Jahl, H Baraki, K Geihs
ICAART (2), 538-545, 2021
WiP: behavior-based service change detection
A Jahl, HT Tran, H Baraki, K Geihs
2018 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 267-269, 2018
Service Co-evolution in the Internet of Things
HT Tran, H Baraki, K Geihs
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems 1 (1), e5-e5, 2015
COOP-AutomatiC ValidatiOn of EvOlving Microservice ComPositions.
O Groh, H Baraki, A Jahl, K Geihs
SATToSE, 2019
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Articles 1–20