Aniana Cruz
Cited by
Cited by
Double ErrP detection for automatic error correction in an ERP-based BCI speller
A Cruz, G Pires, UJ Nunes
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 26 (1), 26-36, 2017
A two-step automatic sleep stage classification method with dubious range detection
T Sousa, A Cruz, S Khalighi, G Pires, U Nunes
Computers in biology and medicine 59, 42-53, 2015
A self-paced BCI with a collaborative controller for highly reliable wheelchair driving: Experimental tests with physically disabled individuals
A Cruz, G Pires, A Lopes, C Carona, UJ Nunes
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 51 (2), 109-119, 2021
Single trial detection of error-related potentials in brain–machine interfaces: a survey and comparison of methods
M Yasemin, A Cruz, UJ Nunes, G Pires
Journal of Neural Engineering 20 (1), 016015, 2023
Facial Expression Recognition based on EOG toward Emotion Detection for Human-Robot Interaction.
A Cruz, D Garcia, G Pires, U Nunes
Biosignals, 31-37, 2015
Spatial filtering based on Riemannian distance to improve the generalization of ErrP classification
A Cruz, G Pires, UJ Nunes
Neurocomputing 470, 236-246, 2022
A new error-monitoring brain–computer interface based on reinforcement learning for people with autism spectrum disorders
G Pires, A Cruz, D Jesus, M Yasemin, UJ Nunes, T Sousa, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 19 (6), 066032, 2022
Generalization of ErrP-calibration for different error-rates in P300-based BCIs
A Cruz, G Pires, UJ Nunes
2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2018
Detection of stressful situations using GSR while driving a BCI-controlled wheelchair
A Cruz, G Pires, AC Lopes, UJ Nunes
2019 41st Annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2019
Dynamic environment-based visual user interface system for intuitive navigation target selection for brain-actuated wheelchairs
R Pereira, A Cruz, L Garrote, G Pires, A Lopes, UJ Nunes
2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2022
A hybrid brain-computer interface fusing P300 ERP and electrooculography
J Perdiz, A Cruz, UJ Nunes, G Pires
XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and …, 2020
A memory-based BCI approach for training of executive function in ASD
C Dias, T Sousa, A Cruz, D Costa, J Castelhano, G Pires, ...
Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in …, 2023
Mental state monitoring for improving the Brain-Computer Interface robustness in a human-centered collaborative control
ARB Cruz
A two-step automatic sleep stage classification method with dubious range detection
A Cruz, S Khalighi, G Pires, U Nunes
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Articles 1–14