Eduardo Benavides-Astudillo
Eduardo Benavides-Astudillo
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE and Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador
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Cited by
Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and mitigation: A survey
GE Rodríguez, JG Torres, P Flores, DE Benavides
Computer Networks 166, 106960, 2020
Classification of phishing attack solutions by employing deep learning techniques: A systematic literature review
E Benavides, W Fuertes, S Sanchez, M Sanchez
Developments and Advances in Defense and Security: Proceedings of MICRADS …, 2020
A Phishing-Attack-Detection Model Using Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning
E Benavides-Astudillo, W Fuertes, S Sanchez-Gordon, D Nuñez-Agurto, ...
Applied Sciences 13 (9), 2023
Caracterización de los ataques de phishing y técnicas para mitigarlos: una revisión sistemática de la literatura
D Benavides , E., Fuertes, W., Sanchez , S., & Nuñez-Agurto
Ciencia y Tecnología 13 (1), 97-104, 2022
Impact of social engineering attacks: A literature review
W Fuertes, D Arévalo, JD Castro, M Ron, CA Estrada, R Andrade, ...
Developments and Advances in Defense and Security: Proceedings of MICRADS …, 2022
Phishing attacks: detecting and preventing infected e-mails using machine learning methods
D Oña, L Zapata, W Fuertes, G Rodríguez, E Benavides, T Toulkeridis
2019 3rd Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet), 161-163, 2019
Cookie scout: An analytic model for prevention of cross-site scripting (xss) using a cookie classifier
GE Rodríguez, DE Benavides, J Torres, P Flores, W Fuertes
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology …, 2018
Phishing attack detection: A solution based on the typical machine learning modeling cycle
B Espinoza, J Simba, W Fuertes, E Benavides, R Andrade, T Toulkeridis
2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational …, 2019
Comparative Study of Deep Learning Algorithms in the Detection of Phishing Attacks Based on HTML and Text Obtained from Web Pages
E Benavides-Astudillo, W Fuertes, S Sanchez-Gordon, ...
International Conference on Applied Technologies, 386-398, 2023
Analysis of vulnerabilities associated with Social Engineering attacks based on user behavior
E Benavides-Astudillo, L Silva-Ordoñez, R Rocohano-Ramos, W Fuertes, ...
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2022
Propuesta de una plataforma de bajo costo basada en Internet de las Cosas para Agricultura Inteligente
ADN Agurto, EB Astudillo, G Rodríguez, D Salazar
Cumbres 6 (1), 53-66, 2020
A Framework Based on Personality Traits to Identify Vulnerabilities to Social Engineering Attacks
E Benavides-Astudillo, N Tipan-Guerrero, G Castillo-Zambrano, ...
Communications in Computer and Information Science 1535, 381-394, 2022
Traffic classification in software-defined networking by employing deep learning techniques: a systematic literature review
D Nuñez-Agurto, W Fuertes, L Marrone, E Benavides-Astudillo, ...
International Conference on Technologies and Innovation, 67-80, 2023
Un experimento para crear conciencia en las personas acerca de los ataques de Ingeniería Social
E Benavides-Astudillo, W Fuertes-Díaz, S Sánchez-Gordon
CIENCIA UNEMI 13 (32), 27-40, 2020
XSStudent: Proposal to Avoid Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks in Universities
G Rodriguez, J Torres, P Flores, E Benavides, D Nuñez-Agurto
2019 3rd Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet), 142-149, 2019
Tecnologías de información y comunicación para fortalecer el aprendizaje del tsa’fiki en unidades educativas tsa’chilas
DR Salazar Armijos, DE Benavides Astudillo, AD Núñez Agurto, ...
Revista Universidad y Sociedad 11 (5), 162-170, 2019
A novel traffic classification approach by employing deep learning on software-defined networking
D Nuñez-Agurto, W Fuertes, L Marrone, E Benavides-Astudillo, ...
Future Internet 16 (5), 153, 2024
Inferential statistical analysis in e-learning university education in Latin America in times of COVID-19
R Bastidas-Chalan, G Mantilla, O Samaniego, C Coronel, M Andrade, ...
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2022
Trusted Phishing: A Model to Teach Computer Security Through the Theft of Cookies
G Rodríguez, J Torres, P Flores, E Benavides, P Proaño
The International Conference on Advances in Emerging Trends and Technologies …, 2019
NDLP Phishing: A Fine-Tuned Application to Detect Phishing Attacks Based on Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning.
E BenavidesAstudillo, W Fuertes, S Sanchez-Gordon, D Nuñez-Agurto
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 18 (10), 2024
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Articles 1–20