Martin Riedl
Martin Riedl
Diamant Software GmbH
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Cited by
TopicTiling: a text segmentation algorithm based on LDA
M Riedl, C Biemann
Proceedings of ACL 2012 student research workshop, 37-42, 2012
Text: Now in 2D! a framework for lexical expansion with contextual similarity
C Biemann, M Riedl
Journal of Language Modelling 1 (1), 55-95, 2013
That's sick dude!: Automatic identification of word sense change across different timescales
S Mitra, R Mitra, M Riedl, C Biemann, A Mukherjee, P Goyal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.4392, 2014
Text segmentation with topic models
M Riedl, C Biemann
Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics 27 (1), 47-69, 2012
An automatic approach to identify word sense changes in text media across timescales
S Mitra, R Mitra, SK Maity, M Riedl, C Biemann, P Goyal, A Mukherjee
Natural Language Engineering 21 (5), 773-798, 2015
Rule-based activity recognition framework: Challenges, technique and learning
H Storf, M Riedl, M Becker
Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2009. PervasiveHealth 2009 …, 2009
Preanalytical impact of sample handling on proteome profiling experiments with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
P Findeisen, D Sismanidis, M Riedl, V Costina, M Neumaier
Clinical chemistry 51 (12), 2409-2411, 2005
CWIG3G2-complex word identification task across three text genres and two user groups
SM Yimam, S Štajner, M Riedl, C Biemann
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2017
A named entity recognition shootout for German
M Riedl, S Padó
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2018
Multilingual and Cross-Lingual Complex Word Identification.
SM Yimam, S Stajner, M Riedl, C Biemann
RANLP, 813-822, 2017
How text segmentation algorithms gain from topic models
M Riedl, C Biemann
Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2012
Unsupervised compound splitting with distributional semantics rivals supervised methods
M Riedl, C Biemann
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2016
Scaling to Large³ Data: An Efficient and Effective Method to Compute Distributional Thesauri
M Riedl, C Biemann
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2013
A single word is not enough: Ranking multiword expressions using distributional semantics
M Riedl, C Biemann
Proceedings of the 2015 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2015
Document-based recommender system for job postings using dense representations
A Elsafty, M Riedl, C Biemann
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2018
Impact of MWE resources on multiword recognition
M Riedl, C Biemann
Proceedings of the 12th workshop on multiword expressions, 107-111, 2016
JoBimViz: a web-based visualization for graph-based distributional semantic models
E Ruppert, M Kaufmann, M Riedl, C Biemann
Proceedings of ACL-IJCNLP 2015 System Demonstrations, 103-108, 2015
Rule-based Dependency Parse Collapsing and Propagation for German and English.
E Ruppert, J Klesy, M Riedl, C Biemann
GSCL, 58-66, 2015
Unsupervised methods for learning and using semantics of natural language
M Riedl
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2016
JoBimText visualizer: a graph-based approach to contextualizing distributional similarity
C Biemann, B Coppola, M Glass, A Gliozzo, M Hatem, M Riedl
Proceedings of TextGraphs-8 Graph-based Methods for Natural Language …, 2013
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Articles 1–20